Millions wasted as ANC/EFF cling to Floyd Brink – DA Joburg

Ruling coalition chooses to ignore damning findings by High Court in their unlawful appointment of City Manager

Millions wasted as ANC clings to Brink

8 November 2023

The ANC/EFF Doomsday Coalition has decided to waste millions of residents' money to protect their corrupt agenda. The ruling coalition chooses to ignore the damning findings by the High Court in their unlawful appointment of Floyd Brink as City Manager. They have placed their own interests above the needs of the residents and believe themselves to be above the rule of law.

The ruling coalition has submitted a notice to appeal the ruling by Judge Budlender, who thoroughly criticised their actions back in February and found that the City Manager’s appointment was not only unlawful, but also unconstitutional and invalid.

While the City slips deeper into a financial hole, millions will be spent on this appeal, that is likely to fail. Not only are they abusing the residents of Johannesburg’s money, this is also a transparent attempt at delaying Brink’s departure from office. By not immediately complying with the Judge’s ruling, they demonstrate once more that they have no respect for the law.

The points made in their appeal were all ventilated in Court and the Judge gave reasons, cogently so, for his ruling. Despite this, the City is pushing for their unconstitutionally deployed City Manager to stay in his office.

This coalition government continually tries to circumvent the law. This action is the clearest indication yet that the Johannesburg Council needs to be dissolved. On the 18th of November, we will present a motion to the programming committee to do just that.

The residents of Joburg deserves an honest government that works.

Issued by Belinda Kayser-Echeozonjoku, DA Johannesburg Caucus Leader, 8 November 2023