Minimum wage for farmworkers now R1503.90 per month - DOL

Minister increases wage by 9.3% from R1375.94 for 45 hour working week (Feb 2)

Reprieve for farmworkers as tough times bite

2 Feb 2012

In an endeavour to protect the vulnerable workers in South Africa, Labour Minister Mildred Oliphant has announced a rise in the minimum wage that farmworkers will receive from their employers.

"In terms of Sectoral Determination for farm workers the minimum wages will with effect from 1 March 2012 to 28 February 2013 be adjusted upwards from an hourly rate of R7,04 to R7,71; a weekly rate of R3 17,51 to R3 47,10 and monthly minimum wages of R1 375,94 to R1 503,90, calculated on a 45 ordinary hour week," said Page Boikanyo, Department of Labour spokesperson.

The rates for the successive periods of 1 March 2013 to 28 February 2014 and for the following, the minimum adjustments will be the previous year's minimum wage plus the consumer price index (CPI) + 1, 5%, said the Department.

The Minister set the wage increase on the advice of the Employment Conditions Commission following a long consultation process and public hearings taking into consideration the views of various stakeholders. This is flowed by an announcement by the Minister of Labour of wage increases.

Sectoral determination deals with the protection of workers in vulnerable sectors/areas of work. The determination sets minimum working hours, minimum wages, number of leave days and termination rules.

The latest adjustment follows that of Domestic Sector which was nudged upward in December 2011.

"The department wishes to inform employers who choose to ignore this farm workers Sector determination, to do so at their own peril. Our inspection and enforcement teams will be at hand to ensure that the law is implemented to the letter," Boikanyo said.

Statement issued by Page Boikanyo, Department of Labour, February 6 2012

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