NUM statement on the gazetted draft Mining Charter
The National Union Mineworkers (NUM) earlier welcomed the gazette by the Minister of Mineral Resources of the draft Mining Charter; we are puzzled by rumblings from some sectors of the industry and the so called “analyst”. Our understanding is the draft is released for comments and consultations are on-going, we are also clear on the fact that this does not take away the Ministers obligations in terms of Section 100 of the MPRDA that states:-
“(1) The Minister must, within five years from the date on which this Act took effect— (a) and after consultation with the Minister for Housing, develop a housing and living conditions standard for the minerals industry; and (b) develop a code of good practice for the minerals industry in the Republic.
(2) (a) To ensure the attainment of Government’s objectives of redressing historical, social and economic inequalities as stated in the Constitution, the Minister must within six months from the date on which this Act takes effect develop a broad-based socio-economic empowerment Charter that will set the framework, targets and timetable for effecting the entry into and active participation of historically disadvantaged South Africans into the mining industry, and allow such South Africans to benefit from the exploitation of mining and mineral resources and the beneficiation of such mineral resources.”
The NUM welcomes all efforts by stakeholders in all sectors we are organising in for the alignment of those sector codes with the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003) as amended by Act No. 46 of 2013, this is to avoid similar actions as that of the Construction Sector Charter that was recently repealed by the Minister of Trade and Industry for non-alignment.
We would like to also remind those that are questioning the timing of the draft that the mining industry’s exemption was gazetted on the 30th October 2015 and gave the industry 12 months to align. Thus making it an opportune time to start discussions and finalise this matter before the end of 12 months, as unfortunately it is second nature in this industry to do things in the last minute.