Bheki Cele must expose company in Krugersdorp atrocity – Herman Mashaba

ActionSA leader gives heads of law enforcement 7 days to make know the production company

Minister Cele must expose company in Krugersdorp atrocity

9 August 2022

Following the harrowing accounts of the gruesome rapes that took place in Krugersdorp late last month, I have written to the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, and the Gauteng Provincial Police Commissioner, Lieutenant-General Elias Mawela, requesting that they make public the company responsible for the music video being shot at that location.

ActionSA has given them 7 days to make known the production company. Failing which, we reserve the right to use our own means to expose this production company.

Indeed, the company responsible for the production of the music video ought to have provided the necessary security measures to ensure the protection of life and limb of the participants of this production. Particularly because this area is notorious for its dangerous and illicit activity.

ActionSA respects the privacy of the victims of this brutality. However, we do not believe that this production company has a reasonable expectation of privacy and that steps should be taken to halt its activity pending the outcome of ongoing investigations to assess whether any security measures were put in place.

While ActionSA believes that the rights and protections of women and girls should be safeguarded 365 days of the year, August is Women's Month and it is our expectation that this matter will receive the attention it deserves so that justice is found in this matter.

The events of 28 July 2022 were truly heinous.

With every report it appears that women are not getting safer in our communities and there needs to be greater political will, especially during this month, to intensify efforts to ensure that these attacks are better prevented if not prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

This incident was made possible by an unfortunate confluence of events and the production company, if it failed to protect these women, should be held liable for its part of what happened on that day.

Issued by Herman Mashaba, ActionSA President, 9 August 2022