DA formally asks Minister Dlodlo to disband captured State Security Agency
29 January 2021
In the face of complete radio silence from Parliament as the treasonous looting of South Africa via the State Security Agency (SSA) is exposed daily at the Zondo Commission, the Democratic Alliance (DA) has written to Minister Ayanda Dlodlo asking that she drives the total shutdown of the Agency. She must ensure that every single person linked to the Agency is examined under a microscope.
These acts of theft, as revealed one-by-one every day this week, we believe have clearly revealed an attempt to overthrow the government through unlawful means: treason. From private armies to attacks on the Judiciary and free media, it seems the only word adequate to the situation.
Two days ago the DA called for the total disbandment of the entire SSA and for the establishment of an independent, efficient and transparent state security agency.
The revelations at the Zondo Commission of Inquiry have shocked the nation, but these events should have been dealt with a decade ago. The DA has laid criminal charges, on numerous occasions, but those cases were swept under the Jacob Zuma-carpet. This Agency had but one aim, to protect Zuma. We knew it was bad, but few could have predicted that they looted over R9 billion to keep him in power and living in luxury.