Minister Mantashe wants to build nuclear power stations
23 November 2020
The National Energy Regulator (NERSA) has issued a call for public comment on the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy's draft plan to go ahead with building 2 500 MW of new nuclear power.
OUTA opposes new nuclear power as unaffordable and inappropriate for South Africa, particularly in the light of the advances in renewable energy, backed up with flexible generation and energy storage, and will make a submission on this.
OUTA is watching the new nuclear build process unfold with great concern.
NERSA is considering the draft determination by the minister. In terms of the law, the minister issues the draft determination in terms of section 34 of the Electricity Regulation Act to NERSA for its agreement or "concurrence". NERSA must conduct a public consultation process before deciding whether to concur with the determination.