Parks Tau has absolute disregard for Parliament – EFF

Minister has only appeared in front of the relevant portfolio committee twice, out of a total of 16 meetings

EFF statement on Minister Parks Tau’s recalcitrant disregard for Parliament

18 September 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) condemns Minister Parks Tau's recalcitrant disregard for his constitutional duty to be held accountable as a member of the Executive. Minister Parks Tau, who has two deputy ministers, has only appeared in Parliament in terms of its relevant portfolio committee twice, in a total of 16 meetings that have been held in the first and second term of the 7th Parliament. In fact, in his second appearance, he stayed for less than 10 minutes, to make an announcement that he cannot attend, rendering it futile.

Tau presides over the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) that has 18 entities, most of which are plagued by government and financial problems. The minister has disregarded appearing in the committee to account for his role in stabilising entities, including his own department. There are hundreds of vacancies, and a plethora of senior staff who have been in acting positions for a number of years.

Entities like the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) and National Lottery Commission (NLC) have been receiving Audit Reports with material findings for over 3 years.

We call on President Ramaphosa to reign on the recalcitrant minister to respect Parliament and appear before the Portfolio Committee on DTIC as is required by the constitution. It is a fact that Ramaphosa has constituted one of the largest cabinets on earth, yet his ministers and deputy ministers fail to attend to parliamentary duties, including the answering of written questions, responding to member statements and providing quality responses.

This is the signature of the DA-ANC coalition government: it has no regard for Parliament, and wants to govern without being held accountable. It abuses its majority, turning our democracy into a tyranny of the majority.

Tau, together with his DA and ANC deputy ministers have disregarded Parliament by missing all but 1 of its 16 meetings. The only meeting they attended was regarding the budget process, which was rushed by the GNU majoritarianism in Parliament. Since then, they have not returned and seemingly, will appear again when the Budget Review and Recommendations Report in the next term, in October. This must be condemned and openly rejected as pure constitutional delinquency.

The DTIC should be at the centre of conducting industrialisation, with the aim of creating jobs for the country in terms of its mandate and majority of its entities. Failure to appear in Parliament means we are unable to monitor if such a mandate is being executed by the minister.

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 18 September 2024