EFF condemns the proposed Dompass-system by Aaron Motsoaledi which encourages SAPS to conduct spot-checks to determine whether people are ‘legal’ foreign nationals
23 September 2022
The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) condemns the hateful proclamation by Minister of Home Affairs Aaron Motsoaledi, who has encouraged South African Police Services (SAPS) to conduct "spot checks" on foreign nationals to check whether they are in the country "legally".
Motsoaledi, who is the vilest proponent of anti-African xenophobia by government reportedly said this in the Home Affairs Portfolio Committee, making Parliament complicit to a dehumanising act reminiscent of the dark days of Apartheid.
Motsoaledi has in essence instituted a modern day dompass-system for African people, who will now have to carry around identity documents to prove that they are not in South Africa illegally. He makes this pronouncement without any consideration of the hate and abuse that African people will be subjected to and with no appreciation that racism will guide the implementation of his spot-checks.
What metric will SAPS use to conduct a random spot-check on the legality of African people? What behaviour or marker qualifies one to be a suspect of illegal foreign nationality, and therefore a subject for a random search? This xenophobic proposition will lead to the abuse and arrest of Africans in their numbers.