MKMVA backs Solly Mokoetle

Kebby Maphatsoe says board hostility to SABC CEO underpinned by corruption

Support for the SABC CEO

It is with deep regret that we have to come and defend the South African Broadcasting Corporation and its Chief Executive Officer from faceless people hell-bent on discrediting the good work done in the SABC by its CEO. We have been waiting since the appointment of the CEO.

It has been a fact over time that the SABC Board is not in support of the CEO and we have always expected such from the onset of its appointment. The actions of the board recently have been counterrevolutionary and counter-productive to our developmental agenda and the fulfilment of the mandate of the public broadcaster.

The Board has been trying to micromanage the CEO and this has affected working relations between the board and the senior management of the public broadcaster. We are worried as an association whether the Board has public interest as the core of their mandate. The SABC has been productive since the appointment of Solly Mokoetle as the CEO and he has managed to stabilise the operations within the SABC.

The behaviour of the SABC Board moles who leaked the story of their intentions to the media prior a board meeting to deal with the matter shows the true character of such board members and that is unprofessional and unbecoming.

We are of a firm view that the board should resign if not happy with the character and performance of Solly Mokoetle as the CEO. The board seems to have a particular person in mind and they must come out clear as their personal interests are at the centre of their attacks on the CEO. We condemn behaviour that is characteristic of plunder of resources. We will never support agendas influenced by corrupt tendencies and we will fight this tendencies of looting in public institutions wherever we see this counterrevolutionary tendency.

Fighting corruption and plunder of resources will form part of our National General Council agenda and we will make submissions to the African National Congress National General Council.

Statement issued by Kebby Maphatsoe, MKMVA national chairperson, August 3 2010

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