Mokonyane reshuffles Gauteng cabinet

Ntombi Mekgwe moved from health, replaced by Hope Papo


16 July 2012

Gauteng Premier Nomvula Mokonyane has today announced changes in the Executive Council (EXCO) bringing in two new MECs into the provincial government. This follows the resignation of the MEC for Local Government and Housing Humphrey Mmemezi last week.

The changes announced by the Premier today included the movement of MEC Ntombi Mekgwe from Health to the portfolio of Local Government and Housing.

The MEC for Economic Development, Qedani Mahlangu, is now the MEC for Infrastructure Development. She is replacing Mr Bheki Nkosi who will now head the Gauteng Gambling Board.

The two new MEC are members of the Provincial Legislature Hope Papo who has been appointed as MEC for Health and Nkosiphendule Kolisile who takes over as the MEC for Economic Development.

Premier Mokonyane said she decided on these changes after considering the strengths and weakness of the government as well as the challenges it faced.

"We have taken the opportunity to reflect on the overall performance of the province, including its strengths and challenges. In order to consolidate our position and strengthen the capacity of the Gauteng Provincial Government, I have decided to bolster the Executive Council by assigning new and existing members to various portfolios," she said The Premier also thanked the outgoing MEC for Infrastructure Development for his contribution adding she was certain that Mr Nkosi would bring in a lot of experience into the Gauteng Gambling Board.

"I am of the firm view that this team will enable us to carry out the mandate that we have been given by the people of Gauteng," she said.

"We have people with different strengths and we have assigned them accordingly. MEC Mekgwe comes with a wealth of experience into the Local Government and Housing Department. She has been a ward councillor, a speaker and a mayor in the local government sphere," said Mokonyane.

She added that the EXCO would throw its weight behind the newly appointed MECs pointing out that they had a vast political experience and had served and headed numerous committees in the provincial legislature.

Statement issued by the Gauteng Provincial Government, July 16 2012

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