Moratorium placed on filling of Gauteng hospital posts - Jack Bloom

DA MPL says decision made despite 4,700 vacancies in critical positions


A moratorium on the filling of posts is hitting Gauteng state hospitals hard as they struggle with staff shortages,

This moratorium was announced in a circular from the Gauteng Health Department headed "Further Cost Containment Measures" dated 30 November 2010, which also withdraws the freedom that CEOs had to appoint staff.

Any new appointments now have to be approved by Dr Kamy Chetty, the Head of the Department.

This is a retrograde move since it will add to the delays in filling critical positions.

We will certainly lose out as some doctors who were accepted on the basis of an interview will go elsewhere if their positions are not confirmed.

There are in total about 4700 vacant posts in critical occupations, including 2100 nurses, 1930 doctors, 370 specialists and 277 pharmacists.

One in three doctor posts (33%) are vacant, as are 41% of pharmacist posts.

These shortages impact severely on patient care, adding to the long queues and waiting lists for operations.

Alternatives must be sought to the freezing of posts as this will only worsen the situation at our struggling hospitals.

Statement by Jack Bloom MPL, Democratic Alliance Gauteng Health Spokesman, December 13 2010

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