More instability as head of Gauteng Health quits – Jack Bloom

DA MPL says Nolutshungu lasted less than a year in this gruelling position

More instability as head of Gauteng Health quits after less than a year

6 March 2023  

More instability has hit the Gauteng Health Department with the departure of its Head, Dr Nomonde Nolutshungu, at the end of this month.

Dr Nolutshungu was appointed on 25 April last year, so she has lasted less than a year in this gruelling position.

This department has had a succession of acting and permanent heads in the past few years.

Nolutshungu took over after there were two acting heads since Professor Mkululi Lukhele resigned as HOD in October 2020 when he was implicated in the PPE scandal. His predecessor, Dr Barney Selebano, left after the Life Esidimeni tragedy.

Nolutshungu is leaving for “health reasons”, but I suspect she could not take the strain of running this deeply corrupt and inefficient department. This included death threats in August last year after she acted against corruption at the Tembisa Hospital that was uncovered by murdered whistle blower Babita Deokaran.

It is most unfortunate that this department lacks stable senior leadership. There are far too many acting positions, including the Chief Financial Officer as the previous CFO was suspended for not acting on the Tembisa Hospital corruption.

Dr Nolutshungu did her best, but honest people do not survive amongst the sharks in this department. 

My view is that only new political leadership will save the department as there are too many vested interests linked to criminal syndicates that receive political protection. 

Issued by Jack Bloom, DA Gauteng Shadow Health MEC, 6 March 2023