Forensic investigation into R14m incorrect student payment must be wide ranging as NSFAS drags feet in roll-out of “Student Centred” funding
In today's Portfolio Committee meeting on Higher Education it was revealed that the Walter Sisulu University (WSU) student who was incorrectly credited with R14.1 million, instead of R 1 400, must have colluded with vendors, bureaucratic officials and others to enable her to receive the funds and then go on an R880 000 spending spree in places as far ranging as East London, George, Queenstown and Centurion.
The Vice-Chancellor of WSU, Professor James Midgley, made clear in his presentation to the Committee, that the expenditure could not have taken place through normal means. Furthermore, the Head of Intellimali, Mr Michael Ansell, made it clear that his company is given the names of approved merchants and even specific items, with whom and on which their funds may be spent. Their cards do not normally work if they attempt to use them to spend in other places or for other items.
It is vital that the planned Intellimali forensic investigation into the matter be far-ranging, and that it include an examination of the role of both the University and Intellimali officials, in order to discover two things:
1. How the initial transfer occurred, particularly given that Intellimali’s own computer records at the time showed a transfer of only R 1400; and
2. How the student was able to spend money on items, not on the approved list.