Motorists suffer as court order is ignored – Fred Nel

DA Gauteng MPL says if swift action is not taken, motorists will be forced to drive without valid license cards and face fines

Motorists suffer as court order is ignored

8 March 2022

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Gauteng demands that the MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko, takes immediate and decisive action against the rogue driving schools blocking access to Driver’s License Testing Centres (DLTCs) in Gauteng.

A court order was obtained against the National Driving School Association of South Africa (NDSASA) on 2 March by the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) and the Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport.

In terms of the Court order NDSASA is interdicted from protesting within 150m from DLTCs and may not disrupt the operations of DLTCs in Gauteng.

NDSASA is clearly in violation of the court order.

This requires the MEC for Community Safety to step in and take action against protestors that continue to block DLTCs in the province.

If swift action is not taken, motorists will be forced to drive without valid license cards and face fines and the lapsing of vehicle insurance.

The DA will continue to engage the relevant MECs so that this matter can be dealt with swiftly and operations restored at DLTCs for the benefit of all road users.

Issued by Fred Nel, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Roads and Transport, 8 March 2022