#MswatiMustFall! - EFF

Fighters salute the youth and people of eSwatini on their militant revolution


Tuesday, 29 June 2021

The EFF salutes the youth and people of eSwatini on their militant revolution against the last remaining absolute monarchy in Africa. We call on the people of eSwatini to boldly intensify the militant struggles against this despotic dictatorial family.

The people of eSwatini deserve all solidarity and all forms of support by the people of Africa and the world in their fight against the pervert king with 18 wives. The low-lying fence called a border dividing our people who have historically been one should be teared apart as the strong stone Berlin Wall was brought down by a popular revolt of people united.

Only the masses can break themselves free from chain of oppression. The police and army of the of the king have everything to gain from this popular revolution and accordingly, they have a responsibility to join the people's front in the street battles to overthrow the arrogant traditional leader who is self-serving in the midst of a pandemic and poverty.

We call on all democratic formations, workers and civil formations to join hands and deliver the last blow to the despotic family government of the king, his wives and children.

We have taken note that the children of the king circulating videos that went viral on social media platform mocking the struggles of the poor people of eSwatini, to them too, we call for their sensibility and revolt against their tyrannical parents for the fury of the people will not distinguish them from the ills of their parents.

We further call on the South African government to isolate and close down the diplomatic offices of the king Mswati Ill in South Africa as form of protest and demonstration against his order to brutalise and maim the struggling people of eSwatini.

To the EFF Swaziland, the people of eSwatini and their democratic formations in the fore front of these protest, we assure you of the unconditional support from the people of South Africa.

Your struggle is our struggle.

We as the EFF call for all progressive and pro-democracy forces in eSwatini, including the EFF eSwatini and the People's United Democratic Movement (PUDEMO) to unite and relentlessly demand democratic reforms in eSwatini, including the unbanning of all political parties, commitment to free, fair and democratic elections, the rule of law and immediate stoppage of all police and army harassment of Mswati's political opponents.

All progressive forces and governments in the SADC region and the entire African continent must wholly support the democratic reforms in eSwatini and must instruct Mswati not to use violence against the people. The people of eSwatini must continue the fight and must never surrender until they have won and secured their freedoms!

Victory in Certain!


Statement issued by the EFF, 29 June 2021