MTBPS2020: SAA bailout at the expense of safety, dignity and jobs
29 October 2020
What is clear from the Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni’s, Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement, tabled today in the National Assembly (28 October 2020), is that our provincial budget has been cut by a further R1,47 billion in this financial year in the Western Cape.
What is worse, is that our biggest fear was confirmed - provincial budgets have been cut to fund the R10.5 billion bailout of South African Airways (SAA).
To fund this bailout, the Western Cape provincial budget has been cut by R86.61 million in this financial year through cuts to conditional grants as follows:
- A cut of R30.01 million to the National Tertiary Services Grant which is critical to us maintaining and developing healthcare services at our tertiary hospitals such as Groote Schuur, Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital and Tygerberg Hospital,