17 November 2017
The EFF condemns the DA's rejection of the granting of political asylum to President Mugabe with the disgust and contempt it deserves. The DA basis its rejection of political asylum on the legal argument that President Mugabe does not qualify for political asylum under our immigration laws since he is suspected of human rights violations. This is despite the fact that no court of law in the world has ever found President Mugabe guilty of human rights violation, neither are there any credible courts in the world that have put such allegations against him.
President Mugabe remains one of us despite his many mistakes as President of Zimbabwe. As a matter of fact, he does not need any passport to come and live in South Africa and we shall never confine our relationship with him as an African leader to colonially imposed borders.
The DA's rejection of political asylum to Mugabe is hypocritical because as a party they themselves house many apartheid politicians and bureaucrats who facilitated and sustained the worst forms of crimes against humanity. These characters have never been held responsible within our law in relation to their role under apartheid because our people chose peace and reconciliation over vengeance.
The DA's anti-pan-Africanist position is in essence driven by vengeance for white Rhodesians whose farms were taken following the failure of the British government to implement the Lancaster Agreement. In the name of the properties of these whites, DA wants South Africa to reject Mugabe as a form of punishment.