Multi-Party Charter formally welcomes ACDP

Leaders of the eight charter parties reaffirm their commitment to the charter’s vision

Multi-Party Charter formally welcomes ACDP and looks to the future

19 October 2023

On Thursday, 19 October 2023, during a media briefing and signing ceremony held at Parliament, the members of the Multi-Party Charter for South Africa formally welcomed the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) as the Charter·s newest member.

The leaders of the eight Charter parties reaffirmed their commitment to the Charter’s vision of: “A new government to build a just, inclusive and prosperous South Africa based on opportunity, freedom and security for all of its citizens”.

The group also reiterated their eight key priorities for a new coalition government, as follows:

1. Growing the economy and creating jobs;

2. Ending loadshedding and achieving energy security;

3. Achieving law and order that combats crime, corruption and drugs;

4. Ensuring quality education that delivers opportunities for all;

5. Delivering basic services to all through high quality infrastructure;

6. Building a professional public service that delivers to all, and ending cadre deployment;

7. Ensuring quality healthcare for all within a caring healthcare system; and

8. Building a social relief framework for South African households living in poverty.

As opposition parties, we recognise the need to stand together - not only to bring the ANC below 50% in the 2024 elections, but also to offer voters real hope for a viable alternative to the ANC after the elections.

This viable alternative is a multi-party government.

Thanks to initiatives such as the recent coalitions study tour of Germany, which several of the Charter Party leaders were able to attend, our shared understanding of how to effectively build a multi-party government that works, continues to grow.

We call on South Africans to check that they are correctly registered to vote in Election 2024. Only by uniting will we be able to unseat the ANC and bring in a capable, accountable, caring government that can start to address the pressing challenges facing South Africans today.

Issued by the DA, IFP, FF Plus, ActionSA, ACDP, ISANCO, UIM and SNP, 19 October 2023