Friday January 18, 2019
The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] has been following the proceedings at the Commission of Enquiry into State Capture and is shocked at the ongoing allegations of corruption and money laundering that have taken place at BOSASA which now operates as African Global.
NEHAWU is organising members who are mostly Social Service Professionals in Bosasa Youth Development Centres (YDC) nationally and hearing the testimony of former Chief Operations Officer, Mr Angelo Agrizzi, revealing allegations of corruption and money laundering is seriously concerned about the plight and job security of its members as well as at the Airport Company South Africa [ACSA] which has also been heavily implicated in the testimony by Mr Agrizzi.
There are currently 10 Bosasa Youth Development Centre facilities throughout the country which provides service to children and youth in conflict with the law, a service which is the sole responsibility of the Department of Social Development but currently outsourced to BOSASA through awarding and extending mid- term contracts. Needless to say that BOSASAS holds monopoly over the provision of this particular outsourced service. The video which shows the Chief Executive Officer, Mr Gavin Watson, counting millions of rands in a vault that is alleged to be keeping “monopoly money” is but an insult to workers and our members more so because they have been earning less than what their department counterparts are earning.
The national union has been at the forefront of fighting for better working conditions of our members at BOSASA through the BOSASA YDC Bargaining Forum where improvement of wages and other substantive conditions of employment are negotiated. The union had to refer a dispute to CCMA on matters of mutual interest during the 2017/18 wage negotiations as a result of a deadlock with BOSASA management who pleaded poverty and unaffordability of our reasonable demands at the time.