No secret meeting on new arms deals for defence committee
I will be writing to the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans, Stanley Motimele, requesting him to explain why he has scheduled a "closed meeting" on defence acquisition on 23 July 2013.
The Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans oversight programme includes a briefing by the Department of Defence and Armscor between 09h00 and 16h00 on Tuesday 23 July 2013 at Defence Headquarters in Pretoria.
The purpose of the meeting according to the programme is to provide "a comprehensive briefing on the current defence acquisition plan and procedure; as well as defence materiél required for the Defence Force to perform its duties and missions."
However, the programme clearly indicates that the meeting will be a "closed meeting" because, according to the programme, "given the expected sensitive nature of information that will be presented to the Committee (and which is linked to defence and national security), approval to hold this meeting in camera will be sought from the Speaker of the National Assembly.
That a meeting has been scheduled on defence acquisition by the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans is a positive development because for the past four years no detailed briefing on defence acquisition has been provided to Parliament.