NEHAWU supports the NHI Bill
15 August 2019
The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] welcomes the introduction of the National Health Insurance [NHI] Bill to Parliaments Portfolio Committee [PC] on Health. NEHAWU also supports the establishment of the NHI fund.
We view this as a victory for struggles waged by the workers and the poor for an affordable and quality health care for all. The NHI will guarantee that all South Africans have access to free, comprehensive and quality healthcare in the country’s health facilities. Access to health is a right enshrined in our constitution.
NEHAWU welcomes the strides made by our government especially the Department of Health towards the full implementation of the NHI. The release of the NHI bill is long overdue and as the national union we strongly believe that the immediate and full implementation of the NHI will help to mitigate all the struggles encountered by the public health sector.
The NHI will provide universal access to quality affordable health care for all South Africans regardless of their ability to pay. Currently, the private sector spends 4.4% of GDP which only benefits 16% of the population. While the public sector spends 4.1% of GDP to the remaining 84% of the population. The NHI seeks to correct the deeply entrenched inequalities in the health system. Healthcare has become a commodity that only the privileged few can afford and it is no longer a right to everyone.