No “Campus Progressive Caucus” exists – EFFSC

Student Fighters say there is no political relationship between the EFFSC and any other opposition party on campuses

EFFSC statement on alleged “Campus Progressive Caucus” video

16 August 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters Students' Command (EFFSC) notes the video circulating on social media suggesting a Joint Student Representative Council (SRC) Election Campaign between the EFFSC and MKSM.

The video was taken from a Manifesto Launch Debate of various student formations who are contesting the upcoming SRC Elections at the University of Free State (UFS), Bloemfontein Campus.

The EFFSC states categorically and unambiguously that there is no existence of a "Campus Progressive Caucus". There is no shared campaign nor is there any political relationship between the EFFSC and any other opposition party on campuses anywhere in South Africa.

All disciplined members in good standing of the EFFSC must continue to run independent campaigns and share the sole message and gospel of the EFF and the EFFSC, as that is what the students of South Africa have resonated with across all institutions of higher learning.

Any member seen to be participating in the activities of another political party will be acting outside the confines of the constitution of the EFF and the EFFSC. The EFFSC Secretary General's Office (SGO) has since written to the concerned members and branch to guide them accordingly on the prescripts, principles, and revolutionary code of conduct of the EFFSC.

Young people have demonstrated beyond any shadow of doubt that they believe in the EFFSC and continue to place their trust in it. There is going to be no tolerance for any attempt to dilute the good work and successes of the EFFSC in its pursuit to mobilise the youth of South Africa behind the struggle for Economic Freedom as embodied in the Founding Manifesto of the EFF.

Issued by Asemahle Ntumntum, Media Liaison, EFFSC, 16 August 2024