NPA action on BOSASA commended – Committee

Chairpersons says SA has lost millions and millions due to corrupt activities

Justice and Constitutional Development Committee chairperson commends NPA action on BOSASA

7 August 2024

The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development Chairperson, Mr Xola Nqola, has commended the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) for its continued work relating to corrupt activities, with the attachment of assets worth millions from the BOSASA accused and their families.
Mr Nqola said: “South Africa has lost millions and millions of rands due to corrupt activities that could have been used for the many challenges that still exist in the country. We note that this is a temporary attachment of assets and appeal to the NPA to speedily ensure that it follows all processes to ensure it becomes a permanent one.”
According to reports, corruption-accused BOSASA bosses and their families have had a temporary restraint placed on their properties, valuables and cars, all worth more than R53 million. The court order obtained by NPA includes two apartments in north-eastern Italy worth an estimated R17 million.
“Our people don’t have houses, yet criminals have properties valued at millions, which was likely obtained with money stolen from government, money that was meant to go to the health, education and social grants,” said Mr Nqola.
He said the Zondo commission highlighted the large scale of the corruption perpetrated by BOSASA with officials of the Department of Correctional Services. “We want all those who benefitted from this corrupt relationship to know that South Africans want their money back,” Mr Nqola said.
“Furthermore, we applaud the NPA for the sterling work and encourage them go after all corruption accused. The committee will fully support you in your endeavour to obtain justice for the people of South Africa.”

Issued by Rajaa Azzakani, Media Officer, Parliament, 7 August 2024