NPO payments: Lesufi misses deadline – Refiloe Nt’sekhe

DA MPL says premier has deprived residents of essential welfare services provided by these organisations

Premier Lesufi misses the deadline to pay NPO subsidies, leaving vulnerable residents to suffer

28 May 2024

Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi has failed to meet the deadline to pay the non-profit organisations (NPOs) their subsidies, depriving residents of essential welfare services provided by these organisations.

Many NPOs have not yet received their subsidies, despite Premier Lesufi committing during a meeting with NPOs that the Gauteng Department of Social Development (GDSD) would pay them by 24 May 2024.

The Premier has further defied last week's court order, which required the department to finish processing applicants and pay NPOs their subsidies.

As of Friday, 24 May 2024, new service level agreements (SLAs) had not been signed and, no NPO had received payment. The SLAs signed by the ousted Head of Department, Matilda Gisela, have been recalled due to inaccuracies in the amounts contained.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) has been reliably informed that the department's social workers were summoned to a virtual staff meeting where they were intimidated by the acting HOD, Mr. Bongani Ngomane, to sign SLAs and load payments into the payment system despite the lack of supporting documents. Furthermore, NPOs were required to visit multiple GDSD offices to sign SLAs but received no assistance upon arrival.

Gauteng NPOs have been deceived and mistreated by a government that shamelessly harms its most vulnerable citizens. On 29 May 2024, Gauteng residents, NPO employees, and beneficiaries of NPO services can liberate themselves from this mistreatment. They can vote for a DA government with a solid plan to protect vulnerable citizens and uplift them from poverty into lives of opportunity.

Issued by Refiloe Nt’sekhe, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Social Development, 28 May 2024