Nqaba Bhanga elected COPE YM president

Ngoako Abel Rangata new general secretary, Lesego Sentsho first DP


The Congress of the People Youth Movement is pleased to announce the results of its first elective conference. The following people were elected to serve the Congress of the People in their capacity as Youth Movement Office Bearers

Nqaba Bhanga (Eastern Cape) - President
Lesego Sentsho (Gauteng) - First Deputy President
Kele Phiri (North West) - Second Deputy President
Ngoako Abel Rangata (LP) - General Secretary
Ntuthuko Dumakude (KZN) - Deputy General Secretary
Ompie Swarts (FS) - National Treasurer

Newly elected President of COPE YM, Nqaba Bhanga said, "This is a clear indication that COPE Youth Movement has turned the page from the factionalism that plagued the organization from the outset. This administration commits itself to never again be used as a tool to further the ends of individuals, but rather to uphold the motto of COPE Youth Movement - We Serve A Cause.

"We would like to come out in support of those who want this organization to be clean, transparent, accountable and democratic. As a body of office bearers we are humbled by the duty of responsibility on our shoulders, and we shall take this task seriously".

The peaceful and constructive nature of the Youth Movement elective congress augurs well for COPE's National Elective Congress, to be held on the 15th and 16th December 2010 in Tshwane.

Statement issued by Nqaba Bhanga COPE Youth Movement President and Ngoako Abel Rangata COPE Youth Movement General Secretary, December 13 2010

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