National Youth Policy fails to champion real Youth Wage Subsidy
10 June 2015
The DA is disappointed that the National Youth Policy (NYP) 2015-2020 fails to champion a real Youth Wage Subsidy and other business-friendly proposals that would expand opportunities for young jobseekers.
This morning, the Portfolio Committee on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation was briefed on the NYP, which was adopted by Cabinet ahead of Youth Month.
Most of its proposals on job creation and skills development are statist and interventionist. They will do little to dent our youth unemployment rate of 36% or provide opportunities for youth who account for 67% of the unemployed.
For example, the NYP trumpets public employment schemes in the form of “youth brigades”, a state-run“mass youth enterprise creation programme”, continued support for the hopeless state-funded National Youth Development Agency (NYDA), and a variety of measures that are likely to undermine job-creating economic growth.