Nzimande places TUT under administration

Minister acts after council appoints Johnny Molefe as VC despite dodgy doctorate

Statement by Higher Education and Training Minister Dr Blade Nzimande on the appointment of an Administrator for Tshwane University of Technology (TUT)

16 Aug 2011

The Report of the Independent Assessor, published in the government gazette on 22 November 2010, highlighted serious problems in the governance and management of the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), which were undermining the effective functioning of the  institution.

The report specified that some of the greatest problems at the University emanated from the human resource portfolio. Some of the key recommendations that council had to address included the need for council to reform and that particular care had to be taken to ensure that the management of tenders and the appointment of personnel was conducted in an open and transparent manner so that there could be no suspicion of favour. Council was given until December 2010 to address key issues emanating from both the Sithole Commission and the Independent Assessor's Report.

The recent developments at TUT around the appointment of a Vice-Chancellor whose qualification is not recognised by the South African Qualifications Authority, has seriously compromised the academic integrity and reputation of the university in particular, and the higher education field in South Africa as a whole. 

The council, by this action and others, has shown that it has failed to take seriously the recommendations of the Independent Assessor and has deliberately ignored the Minister's reasonable request for council to postpone the appointment until he had decided whether to appoint an administrator or not.

Council members, at a meeting held on 29 July, were requested to submit their positions on the Minister's decision to appoint an administrator by 5 August 2011. Submissions and correspondence received from Council members confirmed that critical findings concerning governance, management and human resources made by the Independent Assessor have not been addressed. 

After careful consideration, the Minister for Higher Education and Training, Dr Blade Nzimande has appointed Professor Themba Mosia as the Administrator for the Tshwane University of Technology, in terms of Section 41A of the Higher Education Act, 1997 as amended. Professor Mosia has substantial experience as Registrar at North West University.
The general and specific terms of reference of the administrator, as published in the Government Gazette today, are:

  • To take over the authority of the council to govern the institution and the function of the Vice-Chancellor to manage the Tshwane University of Technology, for a period not exceeding two years, subject to review of progress after 12 months
  • To identify and initiate processes and initiatives that restore proper governance and administration at the Tshwane University of Technology.
  • To ensure the institution has an effective functional council by the appointment of new council members at the Tshwane University of Technology, including the review and establishment of necessary council sub-committees and the drafting and submission to the Minister for Higher Education and Training, of a revised statute for the university if needed.
  • To initiate and conclude the key recommendations of the Independent Assessor's Report, including the appointment of senior staff, by ensuring that appointments made into senior managers posts and in particular the appointment of the Vice-Chancellor, is in accordance with the requirements published in the advertisement of the post and to manage the non-compliance to requirements within the prescripts of the law.
  • To assess the nature and extent of support needed to perform the functions of the administrator and to make a formal motivation for this request to the Director-General of the Department of Higher Education and Training.

The administrator will commence duty today, 16 August 2011.

Statement issued by the Department of Higher Education and Training, August 16 2011

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