Obstruction of election activities in KZN concerning – IEC

Commission instructs leadership of MK party to immediately leave warehouse where election materials are being stored

Electoral Commission Addresses Obstruction of Election Activities in KwaZulu-Natal

26 May 2024

The Electoral Commission (IEC) notes with great concern incidents that occurred at the eThekwini municipality in KwaZulu-Natal, on 25 May 2024.

Videos are circulating on social media by supporters of MK party alleged "vote rigging" in progress. These videos relate to activities at Commission’s storage sites in Chesterville and Hammersdale.

We wish to clarify that the videos depict our planned logistical arrangements and storage of election materials as we prepare for the first day of special voting on 27 May 2024. These are legitimate and authorized arrangements for the distribution of ballot papers and other bulk material.

The planned security measures were that the trucks distributing ballot papers are escorted by SAPS to the local storage site. These storage sites will then be guarded on a 24-hours basis. This arrangement would ensure that the storage sites are protected against unauthorized entry, burglary, and tempering with election materials and ensure detailed control and recording of all items in storage.

The Commission notes that the individuals seen in the video entered the warehouse without authorisation and filmed their unauthorised activities. The Commission further notes that members of MK are now at the provincial warehouse of the Commission where the ballots were returned. No party will be allowed to gain entry into the warehouse premises of the Commission.

We instruct the leadership of MK party to immediately leave the warehouse as the Commission urgently needs to finalize the distribution of election material.

Threats directed the Commission’s staff 

We further note another incident in eThekwini where a presiding officer was woken at home in the middle of the night about bulk material stored at the Baptist Church voting station in Chesterville.

Bulk material is voting booths, voting station signage/banners and new unfolded ballot boxes. This bulk electoral material was taken to Cato Manor police station in eThekwini, in KwaZulu-Natal.

It is part of the logistical plan for the Commission to deliver bulk material to voting stations ahead of election day. This is meant to ensure that voting stations open on time as only security material such as ballot papers will be delivered on the day of voting.

The Commission strongly condemns threats to its staff. No party nor its representatives have authority to gain access to private homes of electoral staff. Worse still no party nor its representatives may take control of election material without being authorized. We want to assure the public that additional measures have been implemented to secure these various storage sites across the country.

We confirm that the Commission has possession of all election materials shown in these videos. This electoral material is being prepared for distribution to voting stations in time for the special votes tomorrow 27 May 2024.

The Commission is contemplating measures against the party and the individuals involved as such obstruction to election activities should not be tolerated. This conduct violates the Code of Conduct and other electoral prescripts.

Issued by IEC, 26 May 2024