Don’t be fooled - occupying land, buildings without an owner’s consent is illegal
27 February 2020
The City of Cape Town has an intense understanding of the acute accommodation need across the metro. Its staff are on the ground 24/7, always ready to assist where they can. Unfortunately, the illegal occupation of buildings and land mostly brings misery as invaded land becomes a flood, fire and health risk and newly-established informal settlements are not prioritised for service delivery at the expense of existing informal settlements. Not only does this place great strain on planned service delivery, it also places our planned future development and service delivery projects at risk. The same goes for illegally occupying buildings as a way to force the hand of government and to jump the queue ahead of those waiting the longest for assisted housing opportunities. This also jeopardises planned projects for the rightful beneficiaries.
From my time with various communities, I know there is sometimes misinformation about land occupation. There are also people in the communities who encourage land invasion or the illegal occupation of buildings for their own financial or other agenda-driven considerations.
Importantly, no person other than the owner may give anyone consent to live in their property or on their land.
If a person is paying someone other than the owner to live on land or to occupy a space in a building, it is illegal.