The way I look at it is that, I should not choose a leader for the sake of choosing a leader. It's only after participating in Tshwane Youth leadership nomination process, that, I realized the nomination process can be improved and can be better handled.
While I was wondering what is it that Cope can do to have a process that will at the end make Cope stronger after conferences than it was before conferences, I opened my face book messages and found a message from Hlomla Dandala with a comment from Sentletse that clearly answered my questions.
Who must we put for treasurer? Eerr, Sefu is not in the list, so let's put him there. This process if flawed, we need to change it especially for the national conference. We need to scrutinize our process and make sure that, they are not pro-personalities, but they are pro- COPE.
So, where can we put Sentletse, lets put him on the national list as an additional, he is a nice guy. It's amazing. This process can never be a process of electing leaders, is a process of filling up portfolios.
I fully agree with the approach of electing only the TOP 5 and additionals, then people can be properly scrutinized and placed according to their competency.
And to be totally democratic, I will agree with Hlomla that, we have a process for all COPE members to be able to VOTE. Why not?