Thursday, November 2, 2017
The EFF marked the Centenary Anniversary of the reactionary Balfour Declaration by picketing outside the Apartheid Israel Embassy in Pretoria. The Balfour Declaration is a letter by British Authorities which guarantees support for the establishment of a Zionist regime in Palestine for Jewish people.
This culminated into the colonial founding of the Israeli regime in 1948 to the displacement of millions of Palestinian people. Israel has therefore been sustained by Western Imperialist regimes like the USA and Britain in its assault on Palestinian human rights for more than half a century.
The EFF calls for the expulsion of the Israeli Embassy from South Africa and the recall of our foreign mission in Israel. We must do this in support of the call for an international boycott of Apartheid Israel until they recognize the end the occupation of Palestinian land.
The EFF calls for all South Africans to join in the international isolation of Israel by ending all relations in business, academia, tourism, sports, arts and culture. South Africans must stop visiting Israel because this normalizes them as a legitimate country when they are not.