Wednesday, 24 October 2018
The EFF notes and acknowledges that the new Minister of Finance Tito Mboweni is presenting the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement only two weeks into the job.
We hope that the Minister did not just take instruction from Treasury to present what would have been prepared by the former minister.
The EFF expects the minister to present a durable and concrete way to reduce debt to GDP ratio from 60% as the situation is not sustainable. With such a high level of debt to GDP ratio, South Africa is spending more money to service debt on interests, money which could otherwise be allocated to developmental social services.
We expect the Minister to present a plan on how the government is going to maximize non-tax revenue streams and save money by building state capacity to reduce professional consulting, advisory services and tendering for other recurring activities which must be insourced South Africa's economy has dismally failed to create new sustainable jobs and as such, any attempt to retrench public servants will be rejected.