Parliament focused on learning from past failures – Xolile George

Secretary says shortcomings pointed out by State Capture Commission will be used to inform the way forward

Speaking notes by the Secretary to Parliament, Mr Xolile George, to the Parliamentary Press Gallery Association, 31 July 2023

31 July 2023

Chairperson of the Parliamentary Press Gallery Association, Ms Andisiwe Makinana

The Executive leadership of the Press Gallery Association

Ladies and gentlemen of the Press Gallery Association,

Management of Parliament and staff present.

Thank you for gathering here today as we reflect on the progress and successes achieved since I assumed the role of Secretary to Parliament just over a year ago. Our journey has been marked by trials and tribulations, but through strategic interventions and unwavering dedication, we have set Parliament on a path to overcome challenges and fulfil its constitutional obligations.


In the year 2022, as our country emerged from the devastating impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the resilience and effectiveness of Parliament were put to the test. The economic fallout from the pandemic, including massive job losses and delayed investments, was further compounded by inadequate electricity supply and record levels of loadshedding, estimated to have reduced the GDP for 2022 by as much as 1.3%. In the face of these formidable obstacles, it was imperative that Parliament remained steadfast in its commitment to perform constitutional duties and mandate.

During this time, Parliament was dealt an additional blow by the fire that broke out in January, which engulfed the historical infrastructure of Parliament, including the National Assembly. This devastating incident further tested the operations of Parliament already impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, posing significant challenges for the institution to carry out its responsibilities effectively.

Adding to the complexity of the situation, Parliament was also under intense scrutiny during the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption, and Fraud in the Public Sector, including Organs of State. The commission's far-reaching recommendations highlighted the need for Parliament to strengthen its capacity to hold those in power accountable and eliminate state capture and corruption, which poses serious threats to our democratic institutions and the aspirations of the South Africans and citizens in general.

In response to these trying circumstances, we embarked on a series of bold and necessary strategic interventions to fortify Parliament and set it on a path of progress and growth.

Over the past year, our Parliament has undertaken remarkable efforts to fulfil its core Constitutional mandate as an effective and responsive institution, aligned with the aspirations of our citizens. We have embarked on a transformative agenda that spans multiple fronts, driving progress and modernization within our legislative processes.

One significant aspect of our transformational approach involves bolstering research support to our Committees, ensuring that the insights generated resonate with the concerns and needs of our citizens. Strengthening our oversight capabilities has been a key priority, enabling us to proactively address public issues and challenges. By leveraging the full extent of our Constitutional powers, we have held the Executive accountable, ensuring transparency and fairness in the governance of our nation.

In our quest to equip Members during committee deliberations, we have provided robust and timely data-driven research, empowering them with the necessary tools to make informed decisions. Moreover, fostering participatory partnerships with civil society, academia, business, and other spheres has reinforced our commitment to inclusivity and collaboration, making the voice of the people an integral part of the parliamentary process. These bold and transformative interventions have set us on a path of progress, enabling us to serve the aspirations of our citizens and build a brighter future for all.


Understanding that Parliament must be at the forefront of building a society based on democratic values, social justice, and fundamental human rights, we developed a new and forward-looking Macro Strategic Framework for the 7th Parliament. This will chart our vision and mission for the next 5 years. Our comprehensive Strategy Review process involved the leadership of Parliament, diverse stakeholders both internally and externally, including experts, through intensive workshops and consultative engagement programs. Detailed environmental scanning of political, economic, and social conditions has been conducted to align strategy with the evolving context. This framework anchors our work on the pillars of a "transformative Parliament" that serves as an agent of change to ensure accelerated delivery and enhanced oversight and accountability.

As part of the macro framework, and recognizing the shortcomings pointed out by the State Capture Commission, we focused on building a responsive Parliament that learns from past failures and addresses the needs of the people. We prioritized effective stakeholder engagement to ensure that Parliament remains relevant and connected to the diverse needs and aspirations of South African citizens. Furthermore, we dedicated efforts to ensuring operational excellence, as it is crucial to serve society with professionalism and integrity.


The fire that devastated Parliament's historical infrastructure demanded a comprehensive rebuilding effort. We successfully secured R2 billion towards the rebuilding project of Parliament. Through rigorous engagements, the National Treasury increased our budget allocation by R118 million in 21/22. We are having promising ongoing discussions for further baseline budget adjustments for Parliament. The R118 million will go a long way in assisting the implementation of our business continuing and disaster recovery following the Covid-19 pandemic and the fire damage.

In this context, we must note that the 2023/24 appropriation includes R58 million dedicated to achieving Parliament's new transformational targets and driving the new strategic direction towards the 7th Parliamentary Term. As we prepare the Strategic Plan and budgeting for the 7th Parliament, we will engage with the National Treasury to ensure full funding for our initiatives.

These strategic interventions represent bold and necessary steps towards eliminating the socio-economic challenges faced by a great majority of South Africans, including the triple challenges of poverty, unemployment, and inequality – goals that the National Development Plan (NDP) aims to achieve by the year 2030.


With regard to the rebuilding project, and as you would know, the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) was appointed in March 2023 to lead the reconstruction, and preparatory work has already commenced on the restoration of the National Assembly and Old Assembly wing. In addition to work on the Old Assembly and the New Wing buildings, we have also been proactive in addressing the immediate workspace needs of our MPs and staff during the reconstruction process at the 90 Plein Street building.

The substantial progress achieved is at an impressive level which demonstrates the urgency with which we are approaching our infrastructure delivery programme. We are fully aware of the importance of a seamless transition for our parliamentary community, and this progress speak volumes about our dedication to achieving that goal. To further mitigate any potential risks, we have implemented stringent monitoring and accountability measures. Transparency and open communication are at the forefront of our approach, and we continuously update all stakeholders, including political parties in parliament, regarding the progress of these projects. This ensures that everyone involved remains well-informed and engaged in the process.


Furthermore, as part of our commitment to strengthening Parliament's institutional capabilities and ensuring responsible custodianship of our assets, we will initiate efforts to amend the Government Infrastructure Assets Management Act GIAMA, Powers and Privileges Act and FMPPLA. This strategic move aims to entrust Parliament with the custodianship of its own assets, aligning it with the provisions of the Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act (FMPPLA). By securing Parliament's direct control over its infrastructure, we want to empower the institution to take ownership and responsibility for the efficient, effective, and productive management of these critical resources.

This review will hold great significance, especially in light of the recent bold and decisive steps taken through the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) in the rebuilding project. The substantial efforts and investments being made towards reconstructing Parliament's historical infrastructure underscore our commitment to not only restoring the physical structures but also modernizing and fortifying the institution for the future. As we progress with this rebuilding project, it is crucial that Parliament gains greater autonomy over its assets to ensure seamless and efficient management, facilitating a conducive environment for parliamentary operations, and fostering a culture of responsibility and accountability.

This strategic move to review these acts, combined with the comprehensive rebuilding efforts led by the DBSA, sets the stage for a revitalized and resilient Parliament, well-equipped to meet the needs of the nation and usher in a new era of progress and prosperity.


Despite facing declining fiscal allocations and economic challenges, Parliament has achieved a clean audit for the 9th consecutive year. This significant accomplishment demonstrates Parliament's commitment to prudent, responsible, transparent, and accountable use of public funds. It is important that Parliament consistently leads by example as an institution that oversees responsible and effective use of public funds by others, by setting high standards for financial management and governance, and ensuring transparency and efficiency in operations. As the constitutional custodians of oversight and accountability, Parliament remains resolute in its pursuit of fiscal responsibility and integrity.


The administrative arm of Parliament has been instrumental in supporting Parliament's robust implementation of the State Capture Commission's recommendations through a comprehensive and dedicated Implementation Plan. With a focus on strengthening parliamentary committees tasked with overseeing Executive action in response to the Commission's findings, significant strides have been made. As part of this plan, 22 relevant parliamentary committees have received diligent support, aligning with the Presiding Officers' directives to provide quarterly reports on oversight matters related to implementation progress.

Over the past 12 months, critical steps have been taken to enhance committee capabilities, including the appointment of 10 content advisers, with 3 more in the recruitment process, and 4 legal advisers, with 3 more currently being recruited. Additionally, 5 researchers have been appointed, and 8 more researchers are in the recruitment process, demonstrating a commitment to ensuring Parliament's oversight function is fortified for upholding accountability and transparency. Notably, of the 19 State Capture recommendations specifically related to Parliament's work, 11 have been successfully implemented, and the remaining 8 are well underway. The ongoing efforts to fill critical positions, including the Chief of Security for Parliament, will further solidify our commitment to a resilient and responsive parliamentary system that serves the best interests of our nation and its people amidst the challenges posed by state capture.

With our relentless efforts to fulfil our Constitutional obligations and address the challenges posed by state capture, Parliament remains steadfast in our commitment to implement all the Commission's recommendations, ensuring a robust and resilient parliamentary system for the betterment of our nation and its citizens.


Parliament's work on regional, continental, and multi-lateral institutions is of utmost importance in advancing our nation's interests. To ensure that our approach to this work is based on strategic analysis, quality decision-making, and informed engagement, we have strengthened support for Parliament's activities in these spheres. Parliament adopted several international agreements, including the Protocol on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa, the Multilateral Convention to prevent base erosion and profit shifting, and the SADC-Parliamentary Forum Agreement. The latter paves the way for the establishment of the SADC Parliament, enhancing regional integration, economic development, and harmonization of model laws within the SADC region.


Parliament will host the 9th BRICS Parliamentary Forum from 27-29 September 2023 in Johannesburg. This inter-parliamentary forum will follow the 15th BRICS Heads of State Summit taking place in August, where South Africa assumes the BRICS Chairmanship. The theme for the Parliamentary Forum is "Harnessing Multilateralism and Parliamentary Diplomacy to Deepen BRICS and Africa Partnership for accelerated implementation of the Africa Free-Trade Agreement." We expect over 200 delegates from BRICS member states - Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.


Finally, we are pleased to announce that the Legislatures Employers Organization (LEO) has successfully concluded a historic multi-year salary agreement with NEHAWU, the majority union representing staff in the legislative sector. For the first time, a three-year deal has been secured through compromise and constructive engagement between the parties. The agreement provides a 7.5% salary increase for the 2023/2024 financial year and increases of CPI+1.25% (capped at 7.5%) for 2024/2025 and 2025/2026. Reaching a multi-year agreement is a significant achievement for the sector.

This will enable legislatures to properly budget over the medium term, and importantly, secures labour stability over the next three years. The conclusion of these negotiations at this early stage also allows legislatures to proactively source funding and redirect budgets to meet the new salary requirements. We welcome this ground-breaking milestone in our labour relations. Multi-year agreements provide certainty for all parties, while locking in realistic and fair salary adjustments reached through extensive negotiations. This outcome highlights success of constructive social dialogue between legislatures and organized labour. We look forward to building on this collaboration to improve conditions for our employees and strengthen the legislative sector.

In conclusion, I am proud of the parliamentary staff and management for the tremendous progress made in restoring, transforming, and enhancing Parliament’s foundational role during the first 365 days. But our work has just begun. We will maintain an unrelenting focus, continuing to collaborate with all stakeholders, pursuing innovation and excellence. We aim to build a capable, responsive Parliament that effectively serves the people. I welcome your questions.


As Parliament prepares for the 7th Parliamentary Term, which will coincide with the momentous occasion of 30 years of democracy and democratic governance, we stand at a crucial juncture in our nation's history. With reflection on our achievements and challenges, we embark on a transformative journey, forging a new and improved path to accelerate the creation of a non-racial, non-sexist, democratic, and prosperous South Africa. Building upon the strong foundation laid over three decades, the 7th Parliament is poised to take bold strides towards deeper inclusivity, social justice, and economic prosperity. Guided by the lessons of the past and fuelled by the aspirations of millions of South Africans, we are committed to shaping a future that upholds the values of our Constitution and ensures a better life for all citizens. Through dynamic engagement, visionary leadership, and unwavering dedication, the 7th Parliament will lead our nation towards greater heights, epitomizing the true essence of a democratic South Africa.

Issued by Parliament, 31 July 2023