Parliamentary minutes: How Hlophe was elected to JSC

Motion agreed to with just DA, FF Plus and ACDP dissenting







1. The House met at the Cape Town City Hall at 10:11.

2. The Speaker took the Chair and requested members to observe a moment of silence for prayer or meditation.

3. The Speaker announced that she had been informed that the Deputy President of the Republic had been designated Leader of Government Business in the National Assembly in terms of section 91(4) of the Constitution.

4. The Speaker further announced that, in terms of Rule 34, Dr G W Koornhof and Ms R T Siweya had been designated as Parliamentary Counsellors to the President and Deputy President respectively.

5. [10:12] The Chief Whip of the Majority moved: That the House, noting the pending appointment of the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence upon the finalisation of all legal prescripts, establishes an ad committee to allow members of the National Assembly to be briefed prior to the debate on Vote No 8: National Treasury – State Security (including Crime Intelligence and Defence Intelligence), the committee to –

(a) consist of 11 members as follows: ANC 4, DA 2 MK 2, EFF 1, and

other parties 2;

(b) conduct its proceedings in closed session in terms of Rule 184(1)(b)(iii) and members to conduct their functions in a manner consistent with the protection of national security;

(c) exercise those powers in Rule 167 it may deem necessary for the performance of its task; and

(d) cease to exist upon the completion of the Debate on Vote 8: National Treasury – State Security (including Crime Intelligence and Defence Intelligence).

Motion agreed to.

6. [10:15] The Chief Whip of the Majority Party moved: That the House, in terms of Rule 22, elects the following members as House Chairpersons:

(a) Mr C T Frolick

(b) Mr W Horn

(c) Ms Z Majozi

Motion agreed to. (Economic Freedom Fighters dissenting)

7. [10:16] The Chief Whip of the Majority Party moved: That the House –

(1) notes the resolution of the House on 2 July 2024 electing the following four members of the Assembly: (a) Mr M Ntuli (ANC); (b) Mr M Chetty (DA); (c) Ms D Zuma-Sambudla (MK); and (d) Mr V Pambo (EFF), to represent Parliament in the Pan-African Parliament in terms of article 4(2) and (3) of the Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community Relating to the Pan-

African Parliament; and

(2) resolves to elect Ms R M Mtshweni-Tsipane (Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces) as the fifth member to represent Parliament at the Pan-African Parliament.

Motion agreed to.

8. [10:18] The Chief Whip of the Majority Party moved: That the House elects the following members to represent Parliament in the Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum in terms of article 7(2) of the Constitution of the Forum:

(a) Ms A T Didiza (Speaker of the National Assembly)

(b) Ms S E Lucas (ANC)

(c) Mr K M Mmoiemang (ANC – NCOP)

(d) Mr B S Madikizela (DA)

(e) Mr D M Skosana (MK)

(f) Ms N V Mente–Nkuna (EFF) Motion agreed to.

9. [10:20] The Chief Whip of the Majority Party moved: That the House designates the following members to the Judicial Service Commission in terms of section 178(1)(h) of the Constitution, 1996:

(a) Mr M S Lekganyane (ANC)

(b) Ms F Hassan (ANC)

(c) Adv G Breytenbach (DA)

(d) Dr M J Hlophe (MK)

(e) Mr J S Malema (EFF)

(f) Mr R A P Trollip (Action SA)

Declarations of vote made on behalf of the Democratic Alliance, uMkhonto weSizwe, Economic Freedom Fighters, Inkatha Freedom Party, Freedom Front Plus, ActionSA, African Christian Democratic Party, United Democratic Movement, Build One South Africa, African Transformation Movement, Al Jama-ah, United Africans Transformation and African National Congress.

Motion agreed to (Democratic Alliance, Freedom Front Plus and African Christian Democratic Party dissenting).

10. The House adjourned at 10:51.

X George

Secretary to Parliament