Parties pay tribute to Roy Padayachie

ANC, COSATU, DA and SACP express shock and sadness at death of minister



The African National Congress has learned with sadness the sudden passing of Comrade Roy Padayachie, who passed on last night while on government duty in Ethopia.  Comrade Roy has been a committed member of the ANC whose life was defined by his continued activism and his work amongst the poorest of our communities. 

Comrade Roy has a rich history in our struggle for liberation and it dates back to the Natal Indian Congress and the United Democratic Front. In both organisations he served in their executive structures in KZN.  He has impacted positively on many lives in the KwaZulu-Natal province where his constituency is based.  Even in death he will remain the champion of the poor.

At this moment of hardship to his family and kin, we convey our heartfelt condolences. While he has passed on, his work in the organization and his selfless commitment to the struggle for total emancipation of our people and our collective commitment to improve the quality of life of all South Africans will remain with us. 

Statement issued by Jackson Mthembu, ANC national spokesperson



5 May 2012

The Office of the ANC Chief Whip is deeply saddened at the news of the passing away of ANC Member of Parliament and Minister of Public Service and Administration, Comrade Roy Padayachie. Comrade Padayachie passed away while on an official state visit to Ethiopia. 

We are in an absolute state of shock and words cannot begin to describe the deep sadness that has engulfed all of us. The passing away of comrade Padayachie has indeed dealt us a heavy blow and shattered our hearts, particularly as it happens only few days following that of comrade Sicelo Shiceka, whose death we are still mourning. He was without a doubt one of the most talented, experienced and visionary government leaders with unmatched ability to fit in whatever portfolio he was deployed to. 

Comrade Padayachie served in various capacities within the ANC and Government, including as member of ANC KwaZulu-Natal negotiating Team at Congress for a Democratic South Africa (CODESA), Member of Parliament, Deputy Minister of Communications, Deputy Minister of Public Service and Administration, and Minister of Communications.

His illustrious career spanned decades. He obtained a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Durban-Westville and a Master of Science degree from University of London. He worked as a formulations chemist, microbiologist and research chemist. Between 1980 and 1999 he served as a Development Director at Community Education Development, Trustee of the Transitional National Development Trust (TNDT) - serving on its Audit and Finance Committees and its Policy Advisory Group for the establishment of the National Development Agency (NDA).  He served as an Executive Member of the Natal Indian Congress and executive Committee member of the United Democratic Front in KwaZulu-Natal. 

His commitment to the struggle for South Africa's liberation saw him dedicate his life to service to the people. Comrade Padayachie's political career was shaped by the Black Consciousness Movement, the Natal Indian Congress, and his own experience of the destructive influence of apartheid's racist laws on the majority of South Africans. His work within the Indian community, particularly in Kwa-Zulu Natal and significant contribution to the upliftment of the disadvantaged communities earned him great respect.

He lived by the philosophy that one should never forget that one serves the people and that is the reason for one's existence.  We extend our deepest condolences to the Padayachie family, his friends and comrades.

Statement issued by The Office of the ANC Chief Whip


In memory of Comrades Roy Padayachie and Walter Sisulu

The Congress of South African Trade Unions is shocked and saddened by the untimely passing of Comrade Roy Padayachie, the Minister of Public Service & Administration.  We send our condolences to his family, friends and comrades in the Cabinet and the ANC-led alliance.

He died as he lived, working hard for his country and his continent, while on an official visit to Ethiopia. He devoted his life to serving his people, especially the poorest and most oppressed.

He was an activist and leader in the Natal Indian Congress and the United Democratic Front and went on to serve in Parliament and government with great distinction. 

He served as both deputy minister and minister of communications, and deputy minister and minister of public service & administration, in which capacity he served as a member of the Focal Point Select Committee of the African Peer Review Mechanism, whose meeting he was attending in Addis Ababa.  

Comrade Roy worked tirelessly to improve the lives of his fellow South Africans, and never sought to advance his own interests above those of the people he served. He will be sorely missed.

Today, 5 May 2012, also marks the anniversary of the passing of one of our greatest heroes, Comrade Walter Sisulu, on 5 May 2003. He would have been 100 years old on 18 May in this ANC anniversary year.

He played a unique role in our liberation struggle and was loved by the people. COSATU paid its own special tribute to his memory by posthumously awarding him its highest honour - the Elijah Barayi Award - at its 8th National Congress in 2003, in the illustrious company of Chris Hani and OR Tambo.

Comrade Walter Sisulu embodied the qualities we need in our leaders more than ever today - selflessness and commitment to the struggle to transform the lives of working people and the poor. He was prepared to sacrifice everything, his family life and even his life. His steely determination to defeat the racist apartheid regime helped us immensely to win the freedom which we enjoy today.

The best memorial that we can construct in honour of Comrade Walter and Comrade Roy is a thoroughly democratic and equitable South Africa. Let us use their lives to inspire us to confront and overcome the huge challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality, eradicating corruption and building and strengthening our revolutionary movement.

Statement issued by Patrick Craven, COSATU national spokesperson


DA saddened at news of passing of Minister Roy Padayachie

The Democratic Alliance (DA) was shocked and saddened to hear of the passing away of Minister Roy Padayachie in Addis Ababa this morning. 

Minister Padayachie was an able and hard-working member of Cabinet, who was always responsive and available to engage with the DA. He was effecting a steady turn-around at the Department of Public Service and Administration, which demonstrated his commitment to service delivery excellence. 

On behalf of the DA, I would like to extend our sincere condolences to Minister Padayachie's family, especially his wife and children; as well as his friends and colleagues.

He will be missed in Parliament, in Cabinet, and indeed by all who worked with him or under him in his long and distinguished career in service of South Africa. 

Statement issued by Mmusi Maimane, DA National Spokesperson



The SACP has learned with shock and deep sadness of the untimely passing away of Cde Roy Padayachie, the Minister of Public Service and Administration.  The SACP wishes to express its most sincere condolences to his family, friends, comrades and Cabinet colleagues.

Comrade Roy has dedicated almost his entire life to serve our democratic movement and all South Africans with absolute commitment, when asked by the movement to do so in different capacities. His exemplary behavior and commitment will continue to inspire generations of cadres to serve their people selflessly without any expectations of personal or material rewards for their service.

Cde Padayachie passed away like a true soldier, with his boots on, in the line of duty carrying out his responsibilities to create a better Africa and carrying out the international tasks of our democratic government and movement. In his memory we must carry the spear and use our presence in government and in the state to better the lives of our people.

The SACP will sorely miss Cde Padayachie's sharp intellect and capacity for strategic thinking. He had an incisive and analytical mind, and ability to analyse problems and challenges in a holistic, yet principled manner. It was these capacities and commitments that cde Padayachie had served our movement in various capacities - as a leader of the mass democratic movement in KZN in the 1980s, as an activist in the early childhood development terrain, in the National Education Co-ordinating Committee, in the mobilization of the Indian communities behind the struggle for democracy, and in the areas of communications and public administration.

The SACP, at this moment of difficulty, wishes to pass its condolences to the family, friends and colleagues in the movement and government. Comrade Roy, you have done your revolutionary part qabane and may your undying revolutionary fighting spirit live on and inspire our cadres to take forward the torch of the National Democratic Revolution to create a better and socialist South Africa. Long live the memory of comrade Roy, long live!

Statement issued by Malesela Maleka, SACP spokesperson

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