Our MPs to be sworn in under John Hlophe's leadership – MKP

Party says that decisions to take oath of office doesn’t signify acceptance of May election results

MK Party members to be sworn-in as Members of Parliament

24 June 2024

The MK Party is pleased to announce that its 58 Members of Parliament will participate in the swearing-in ceremony in Parliament on 25 June 2024. This follows a period of critical reflection and strategic consultation within the party leadership, subsequent to our initial boycott of the parliamentary sitting in protest against the rigged and fraudulent elections held on 29 May 2024.

We wish to clarify that our decision to take the oath of office does not, in any way, signify an acceptance of the May election results. The MK Party steadfastly maintains that the elections were marred by massive election irregularities, rigging, and outright fraud. We are continuing to challenge these results through appropriate legal channels.

Moreover, the MK Party does not recognize the legitimacy of the previous parliamentary sitting, during which Cyril Ramaphosa of the DANC coalition was elected as President. We are actively pursuing legal avenues to have this sitting declared illegitimate, upholding the principles of democracy and justice as enshrined in Section 46(1 ) of the Constitution.

Under the principled and unwavering leadership of former Judge President and Dr. Mandlakayise John Hlophe, our team is committed to tirelessly expose the covert operations of the DANC coalition, which we view as a pet-project of white monopoly capital. This treacherous and unholy coalition between Ramaphosa-ANC and DA, poses a significant threat to the hard-earned freedoms of our people, with the sole aim to reinstate control over our nation and its wealth to the historical oppressors and those who have monopolised our resources from colonial and apartheid days to this day.

As our MPs take their oath, we pledge to serve the people of South Africa with the utmost integrity, resist the ongoing subversion of our democratic processes, and continue our fight for a truly free and equitable South Africa. The struggle for the building of a society where, for the first time, blacks in general, and Africans in particular, can fully and truly experience the fruits of our freedom. Our parliamentary presence will be characterised by vigilant oversight, robust engagement, and a steadfast commitment to the principles that have guided our party since its inception.

We urge all South Africans to reject this unholy DA-ANC coalition while remaining vigilant and supportive of our efforts to ensure that their inspirations and aspirations are not compromised by those intent on relinquishing our sovereignty and wealth to former oppressors and white monopoly interests through nefarious arrangements.

Issued by Nhlamulo Ndhlela, Media and Communications, MK Party, 24 June 2024