MK Party not deterred by flawed ConCourt judgment

Party says President Zuma continues to lead, and will appear on the ballot

MK Party not deterred by the flawed and conflicted ConCourt judgment

20 May 2024

The MK Party acknowledges the recent judgment handed down by the Constitutional Court, which ruled that President Jacob Zuma not eligible to stand as a member of MK Party in the National Assembly. This unsurprising decision, while disappointing, has not disheartened us. Instead, it has reinforced our conviction that the current system, where just 10 unelected individuals can make lifetime decisions for 62 million people, is fundamentally flawed. Worse still, in this current case, six of the ten judges were glaringly conflicted, raising serious questions about their refusal to recuse themselves.

However, we are not deterred. It anything, the People's Mandate rally has demonstrated that South Africans from all walks of life love the MK Party and President Zuma, and that a two-thirds majority is a reality.

We want to assure our members, supporters, and all South Africans that we remain steadfast and undeterred by the enemies of the poor, whether they be in robes or acting as agents of white monopoly capital President Zuma continues to lead the MK Party and will appear on the ballot. Furthermore, he will be reinstated into the Union Buildings to lead the country once we secure a two-third majority, which is becoming increasingly obvious daily, hence the fear among the enemies of the poor black people.

No efforts by the Ramaphosa-led ANC or any compromised judges will hinder this mission.

Our resolve is further strengthened by the overwhelming support we have received from South Africans nationwide through messages and calls that this decision has only intensified their determination to vote for the MK Party in order to achieve a two-third majority. Which will enable us to transition from a constitutional democracy to a parliamentary system, where the majority will determine the nation's direction, as opposed to the often, 10 highly compromised and conflicted individuals.

We call for calm among our people and emphasize the importance of maintaining focus and unity, while urging everyone to remain dedicated to giving the MK Party and President Zuma their well-deserved two-third majority. This heavily flawed and conflicted judgment is not the end but rather a pivotal moment affirming that the MK Party is the right choice for the black poor and downtrodden. The MK Party leadership, led by President Zuma, will address the nation in the next tew days after consulting with the legal team on the course of action.

We therefore urge all South Africans to stay committed and focused on the goal ahead—our mission to acquire a two-third majority so that we can dismantle this current colonial system, which benefits only the previously advantaged and a few within the Ramaphosa clique at the expense of the poor and marginalized.

We call on all South Africans to ensure that they bring all their families and friends on May 29 to vote for the MK Party because the great opportunity for real freedom and wealth tor all is now. Victory is certain.

Issued by Nhlamuto Ndhlela, Media and Communications, MK Party, 20 May 2024