Pass rate of 80.1% must be applauded – EFF

Fighters encourage all of those who have passed their matric to pursue post-secondary education and training

EFF statement on the 2022 matric results

19 January 2023

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) notes the long overdue release of the 2022 National Certificate Examinations results for the year 2022. Often referred to as the matriculation results, the examinations refer to the exiting assessment from the secondary phase of education at the grade 12 level, and have historically been an important determinant to the entrance of learners into the adult world.

The achievement by the class of 2022, of a pass rate of 80.1% is commendable and must be applauded, considering that it has come in the face poor service delivery, in which many schools have perennial infrastructure problems and the crippling and anxiety inducing rolling electricity blackouts.

This feat by these young people, particularly those who have not been afforded the luxuries that come with the separate development that is entrenched by the Independent Examination Board (IEB), is both inspiring and saddening, as no young person should pursue education through difficult and dehumanizing conditions.

Many young people undertake a 12-year journey of pure hardship when they enter the schooling system, in which they cross rivers, walk long distances, endure physical and sexual harassment by corrupt teachers, utilize pit toilets and are cramped in overcrowded classes.

The Department of Basic Education remains the last sector of society that has the right to be boastful about the resilience, courage and perseverance of a youth that has largely been deprived an environment that is conducive to teaching and learning.

In 2011, when this group of learners began their Grade 1 studies, there were over 1.2 million children who registered for Grade 1. As things stand however, the number of learners who registered for their 2022 matric examination on a full time basis was 752 003, meaning that well over 500 000 young people who started Grade 1 in 2011 have been lost in the system, and the Department of Basic education cannot account for these learners.

These are thousands of young people who have fallen through the cracks due to dire learning conditions, and have resorted to a life of alcohol, drug abuse and crime.

Society still bears the responsibility of ensuring that those who begin their schooling journey in Grade 1, indeed achieve the milestone achieved by the class of 2022. This includes the modernization of our education system, building of basic infrastructure, timely delivery of study material and creating a cohort of teachers who do not use the profession as a last resort for income generation, but people who genuinely have a passion for education.

The EFF encourages all of those who have passed their matric to pursue post-secondary education and training in Universities, Universities of Technology and Technical and Vocational Colleges. It is only through a continued pursuit of education that young people can not only better themselves, but their communities and our collective society.

As learners prepare their entry to the tertiary sector, we encourage you to look for the red t-shirt and beret of the EFF Students' Command across all campuses, to ensure that all of your needs are met. The EFF Students' Command will run its #SlzofundaNgenkani Campaign and ensure that no prospective student is denied access to education on the basis of money, background or place of origin, and will further ensure that all students are placed in student accommodation.

Furthermore, all of those who have not applied to a University, Universities of Technology and TVET Colleges previously due to the many socio-economic conditions that hindered them, are encouraged to walk-in with their results to institutions and seek assistance from the EFF and EFF Students' Command.

To those who have not passed their matric, we send encouragement and strength and assure you that this does not mean the end. There are measures to improve your results, and pursue alternative educational measures in the interim which will contribute massively to the developmental needs of South Africa.

Let us pursue education to liberate ourselves from the incompetence of the ruling party and achieve Economic Freedom In Our Lifetime!


Issued by Sinawo Thambo, National Spokesperson, EFF, 19 January 2023