Patriotic Alliance in Knysna contradicts itself – yet again – Dion George

DA MP says his party will never return to coalition with them or form agreements with them

Patriotic Alliance in Knysna contradicts itself – yet again

18 September 2023

On 5 September 2023, Patriotic Alliance (PA) Leader, Gayton Mckenzie declared that the PA would withdraw from its coalition with the ANC/PBI/EFF in Knysna, because he had been “disrespected” by the Coalition making municipal staff appointments “against our express wishes”. Mckenzie vowed that the PA would not vote at future council meetings.

The following week, PA national spokesperson, Steven Motale, confirmed that the PA had left the Coalition and had been instructed to abstain from voting. Bizarrely, he claimed that the DA had decided to leave the ANC in power when it is the PA that withdrew from its coalition with the DA and returned the ANC government to Knysna.

Three days later, on 15 September 2023, motions were tabled in council to rescind the appointments that had “disrespected” the PA’s fragile leadership. The motions were defeated when the PA Councillors not only voted, but also voted to oppose the motions to rescind the appointments that had “disrespected” Mckenzie and resulted in their “withdrawal” from the Coalition.

The PA has, yet again, contradicted itself and proven itself untrustworthy. Its signature on a coalition agreement means nothing and the DA will never return to coalition with them or form agreements with them.

How is it possible to withdraw from a coalition that “disrespected” the PA because it made appointments against their wishes and then vote, when they said they wouldn’t vote, to retain the appointments that they don’t support? All within 10 days? This happened because the PA clowns never left the circus that is the ANC/PA/PBI/EFF Coalition of Corruption. Now they’re “back” and the “disrespect” is forgiven.

The DA has requested that the Provincial Treasury should intervene in an attempt to resolve the financial crisis in Knysna. The Town is commercially insolvent and has utilised grant funding to pay operational expenses.

Contrary to misquotes by News24, on 13 September 2023, the DA has not demanded that Knysna be placed under administration. The hurdle to clear for this action to be taken is high and the Provincial Treasury intervention must run its course.

Given that the ANC/PA/PBI/EFF Coalition of Corruption retains its majority in Knysna, the DA will not table a motion of no confidence in the Mayor, Speaker or Deputy Mayor.

The DA will continue to offer strong opposition to the Coalition of Corruption until the voters of Knysna are able to vote again to achieve a better outcome for everyone.

The chaos in Knysna highlights a simple fact: a vote for any party other than the DA results in an ANC government.

Issued by Dion George, DA Constituency Head, Knysna, 18 September 2023