Persistent racism at Pretoria High School for Girls condemned – EFF Tshwane

Fighters say despite numerous calls for change, school continues to be a hotbed of racial discrimination and inequality

The EFF in Tshwane condemns persistent racism undermining education at Pretoria High School for Girls

24 July 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in Tshwane strongly condemn the persistent and deeply rooted racism at Pretoria High School for Girls. Despite numerous protests and calls for change, the school continues to be a hotbed of racial discrimination and inequality.

Recently, the Gauteng Department of Education confirmed the suspension of 12 learners from Pretoria High School for Girls due to their involvement in a racist WhatsApp group, where they maintained a white-only space to make disparaging and racist remarks about black students. This incident is not an isolated event but rather part of a troubling pattern of racism and discrimination that has plagued the school for years.

In 2020, African (black) learners bravely took to the streets to protest against the school's discriminatory hair policy and the alleged racist behaviour exhibited by both teachers and students. They demanded significant changes, including the transformation of school staff and management, the eradication of the oppressive hair policy, and the incorporation of education on marginalized communities.

These protests were ignited by "alleged racial connotations, micro-aggressions, and complaints about black learners which were ventilated through a WhatsApp group comprised of white learners." Micro-aggressions, which are harmful and derogatory comments based on gender, sexual orientation, race, body shape, or religicn, were rampant in these conversations. The WhatsApp group discussions allegedly included racial commentary that belittled the legitimate grievances of black learners, dismissing their issues as insignificant.

Despite these well-documented incidents and the courageous efforts of learners to bring about change, the school's response has been inadequate. The fight against racism at Pretoria High School for Girls has once again come to the forefront, with angry matriculates holding a protest on the school premises, claiming that their demands for racial equality have yet to be met.

It is disheartening that the DA Mayor, who is more concerned with public relations than addressing serious issues, remains silent on this matter. His inaction and failure to condemn these racist practices make him complicit in supporting racism.

Pretoria High School for Girls has long been regarded as an institution that fosters academic excellence and holistic development. However, this reputation has been tainted by a pervasive culture of racism that undermines the very principles of education, equality and freedom for all. The school's teaching and learning environment has become a battleground where black students are routinely subjected to discriminatory practices and micro-aggressions.

The recent suspension of 12 learners for maintaining a racist WhatsApp group is a glaring example of how deep-seated racial biases have infiltrated student interactions, creating a hostile and unwelcoming atmosphere for marginalized communities. This toxic environment not only hampers the educational experiences of black students but also contradicts the core values of respect, inclusivity, and mutual understanding that should be at the heart of any educational institution.

Pretoria High School for Girls is now notorious for its history of racism, with numerous incidents casting a long shadow over its legacy. From the discriminatory hair policies that sparked widespread protests in 2020 to the persistent allegations of racist behaviour by both teachers and students, the school has repeatedly failed to address and eradicate these issues. The administration's inaction and dismissal of black learners' concerns have only fuelled the perception that the institution is an entrenched supporter of racial inequality.

As a result, Pretoria High School for Girls has gained infamy as a breeding ground for racial discrimination, where the voices and experiences of black students are marginalized and invalidated. It is imperative that the school takes immediate and decisive actions to dismantle this culture of racism and create a learning environment where all students can thrive without fear of prejudice or exclusion. The EFF in Tshwane stands in solidarity with the learners of Pretoria High School for Girls. We demand immediate and concrete actions to address and eradicate racism within the school. The voices of black learners must be heard, and their concerns must be taken seriously. It is time for real change and accountability.

Racism has no place in our schools, and we will continue to fight alongside our learners and their parents calling for the resignation of Principal Phillipa Erasmus. This fight will be ongoing until Pretoria High School for Girls becomes a safe and inclusive environment for all students.

Issued by Obakeng Ramabodu, EFF Tshwane Regional Chairperson, 25 July 2024