Phumulo Masualle's name shouldn't be dragged into the mud - SACP ECape

Party says ANC provincial chairperson refused to use R250 000 deposited into his account

"Don't be used by angry and disgruntled people to tarnish the names of our leaders" - says the SACP in the Eastern Cape Province

The South African Communist Party (SACP) in the Eastern has noted the reports about Cde Phumulo Masualle, MEC of Planning and Treasury, ANC Provincial Chairperson and the SACP Central Committee member in the Sunday Times and the Daily Dispatch (see here).

The newspapers alleged that the Department deposited the amount of R250 000 into the private account of Cde Masualle trying to project him as corrupt, we are happy that the matter was clarified and that his name was cleared as we know him to be incorruptible. It was clarified that the money was deposited into his account without his prior approval and he refused to use it but insisted it be recalled.

We wish many leaders in government and political organizations can draw some lessons from the actions of Cde Masualle and not be tempted by the money. His actions has shown him as an epitome of great leadership as he put people he serve before himself.

We are quite disappointed with how the daily dispatch is perpetually reporting the matter concerning Cde Phumulo Masualle. The newspaper even though clarified by the Spokesperson of the MEC, Mr. Mzolisi Blouw on the matter (as reported on the 12.05.2014edition), they continue with their attempts to tarnish the name of Cde Phumulo Masualle. They continue even though they cannot point any wrong doing from his side as if they have a master to please.

It is mind boggling that the newspapers is trying very hard to drag his name into the mud when the discussion on Premiership of the Eastern Cape Province have ensued. This they may deliberately do because they know that even beyond the ANC led alliance the Province is unified behind his name as the proposed Premier, as the province continues to improve under his leadership.

The conduct of the Daily Dispatch in many reports about the progressive formations leaves us thinking they are collaborating with the enemies of the people's camp. The daily dispatch and other sections of the media has literally reduced themselves into tools of a low intensity counter-revolution underway in our country as led by the Democratic Alliance. Before the 2014 national and provincial elections the newspaper has been predicting the decline in the support of the African National Congress. It is now after the elections that they show to have decided to choose and work for certain elements within but not limited to the movement to achieve factional outcomes.

The newspapers should always put their readership before the sensational reporting with the intentions of maximizing profits. They should always tell the truth to the people in a balanced manner of reporting. This is demonstrated by their headlines in lead stories that in many instances the content of the story does not support the headlines. 

As the SACP we commit ourselves to fighting corruption wherever it raises its ugly head without any fear or favour. It is in this context that we are calling upon the Department of Planning and Treasury in the Eastern Cape to bring to book those who have deposited the departmental money into the private account of Cde Phumulo Masualle.

Statement issued by Siyabonga Mdodi, SACP Eastern Cape provincial spokesperson, May 13 2014

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