Pick n Pay treats black people with disdain – COSATU

Organisation demands a reaction from chain store regarding apparent racism

Pick N’ Pay Racism

18 May 2016

Cosatu is appalled at the second act of racism in less than a month at Pick and Pay. The first act was the assault on the woman and child in Mitchells Plain. A type of event that would never happen in a predominantly white store of Pick and Pay, where security is not allowed to interact with customers.

This instance that took place at Pick and Pay Tygervalley again undermines Coloured [Black] people. For someone from Human Resources to say that Coloured people are lazy is unacceptable and rejected with contempt as the racist ramblings of a senior employee. This statement is clearly racist and we demand a retraction from Pick and Pay before the end of this week.

The fact that Pick and Pay does not immediately distance themselves from this type of statement, even before they investigate to find out the veracity of it is unacceptable. The company clearly treats Black people with disdain, as their efforts to remedy the assault on the Mitchells Plain woman shows.

Cosatu will be filing a complaint at the Human Rights Commission against this racist behaviour and Pick and Pay endorsement of it. Cosatu will further be taking protest action against Pick and Pay, which will include a boycott should they not immediately stop this racist behaviour, by being more public in their condemnation of it. Pick and Pay has until the 10 June 2016 to put out an apology and a strong statement to all staff of instant dismissal for racism.

Cosatu does not see the end of racism as white and black people smiling together, we see it as the end of the systemic advantages of white people that gives them the sense of entitlement to think they can act and talk as they please on racial issues: the following quote is relevant in this respect ‘Racism is a system of oppression. It should not be reduced to series of gaffes. It not only cheapens the charge but essentially redefines it. Racism becomes not the subjugation of a people that has its roots in history, economics and power, but a series of bloopers in which the unfortunate are caught out. A matter of politics becomes an issue of politeness. The institutional is relegated to an indiscretion.

With the help of diversity consultants and a cautious manner, the careful can carry on doing bad things so long as they don’t say the wrong thing. That won’t get rid of racism. It’ll just give us some of the best-mannered racists in the world’

Issued by Sizwe Pamla, COSATU spokesperson, 18 May 2016