Planned racial discrimination in legal sector unconstitutional – AfriForum

Ernst van Zyl says govt’s discriminatory racial project must come to an end

AfriForum: Planned racial discrimination in the legal sector is unconstitutional

22 September 2022

The civil rights organisation AfriForum today submitted their comments against the government’s planned racial criteria in the legal sector to the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Ebrahim Patel. AfriForum argues that this Draft Legal Sector Code goes against the Constitutional principles of non-racialism and that its implementation must be opposed strongly.

This code, which advocates Black Economic Empowerment (BEE), seeks to introduce discriminatory racial targets for the legal sector. Among other things, it requires the state to allocate legal work and public funds to lawyers, law firms and advocates based on their gender and race.

“The government’s racial discrimination must come to an end. We at AfriForum will do everything in our power to oppose the ANC’s discriminatory laws, which are fueled by their racial agenda," says Ernst van Zyl, Campaign Officer for Strategy and Content at AfriForum.

“The ANC government is the main divider, stealer and discriminator in the country. Opposition and firm criticism against their destructive laws and policies is a moral responsibility,” concludes Van Zyl.

Issued by Ernst van Zyl, Campaign Officer: Strategy and Content, AfriForum, 22 September 2022