Police Committee adopts report on IPID Amendment Bill

Is confident that the extensive work undertaken has produced a quality piece of legislation

Police Committee adopts report on IPID Amendment Bill

30 November 2023

The Portfolio Committee on Police has yesterday adopted the B-version of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) Amendment Bill and is confident that the extensive work undertaken has produced a quality piece of legislation that strengthens the structural and operational independence of the directorate.
The adoption of the B-Bill follows the consideration of the A-List version last week. The B-Bill reflects all the proposed amendments and comments forming part of the new Bill. The committee also adopted a report that details the process it has taken to consider the Bill. Following this adoption, the Bill will be tabled in the National Assembly for consideration and approval.  
The committee reiterates its belief that the significant improvements made to the tabled Bill adequately address concerns that the Bill was not upholding the spirit of the court judgement in McBride v Minister of Police and Another.
The committee also appreciated the enormous contribution members of the public made through submissions on the Bill. The value derived from the submissions contributed to the final product and helped Members of Parliament to successfully navigate this process. “We are eternally grateful to interested individuals and organisations who, through their submissions, have strengthened this important body. The interest they have shown is [a] clear demonstration of an active citizenry and commitment to building a brighter future for all,” said Mr Nocks Seabi, the Chairperson of the Committee.     
Regarding the content of the Bill, the committee is satisfied that there are adequate checks and balances to ensure effective monitoring and oversight by Parliament over the directorate and its work. The Bill further ensures enhanced oversight over the appointment of the IPID Executive Director.
The committee is also confident that the processes it undertook in considering this Bill adhered to the rules of Parliament and are in line with the Constitution.
Meanwhile, the committee also had a briefing with the nine provincial commissioners and representatives to assess their progress in implementing strategies to fight crime. The committee welcomed the assurance that festive season crime prevention strategies and deployment plans are in place and a focused effort will be directed to hot spot areas.
The committee also called on provinces to share ideas and best practices with each other to ensure overall improvement. The committee further encouraged the SAPS to intensify targeted crime prevention operation Shanela, which has achieved notable arrests of wanted criminals.

Issued by Parliament, 30 November 2023