Poor will eat the rich if you fail to build one SA – Mmusi Maimane

BOSA leader says president and his govt must foster a National Dialogue that includes every constituency in the country

The poor will eat the rich if you fail to build one South Africa, Maimane tells Ramaphosa

24 July 2024

Note to editors: the following speech was delivered in Parliament today by BOSA Leader, Mmusi Maimane MP, in the debate on the Presidency’s Budget.

Mr President,

I welcome your statement in this House yesterday, where you called on all South Africans to be “builders” in forging the next chapter in our country.

I see it that you’ve willingly internalised BOSA’s vision and mission to Build One South Africa for all 61 million citizens.

Mr President, the truth is that while we make pronouncements here in this House, millions live detached and disassociated with the words made from this podium.

This past Saturday, I spent time with the community of Samora Machel, a stone throw away from here on the outskirts of Cape Town

There exists no GNU, now New Dawn, no improvement of living conditions in Samora Machel. Hundreds of homes have been flooded due to perpetual neglect of basic infrastructure that every human being deserves, and is promised.

For this community, Parliament is just a figment, government is only words that are spewed out by politicians. In no measurable aspect of their lives is government a positive, building force.

I want to make this stern warning: if we do not work diligently to bridge the gap between the haves and have nots, the insiders and the outsiders, a day will come when the poor will eat the rich.

If you Mr President, and your new coalition government, is to be taken seriously, you must foster a National Dialogue that includes every constituency in the country. BOSA called for this before the GNU was formed, and we continue to echo this call.

You can change the complexion and composition of the elite insiders, the rich, with a DA minister here and there. But it will not fool the millions of South Africans this government has left behind.

To break this, here are five things your government must do immediately to grow the country, the economy, and show citizens a real agenda for change.

Firstly, SOEs currently sit in the Presidency.  Eskom sits at the very centre of modernizing the coal dominated energy sector. This requires unleashing private power generation capabilities using all sources of energy, from refurbished and cleaner coal-fired power stations, to natural gas resources, to forward-looking renewable energy options, and small nuclear power.

Secondly, poor transport and logistics hamper the entire supply chain of the economy and prevent the seamless flow of goods and services. Both Prasa and Transnet need to onboard private/public partnerships with the right partners to strengthen leadership, inject capital and increase the movement of goods to stimulate trade. For now, this falls within your office, Mr President.

Thirdly, no one can run a business that creates jobs in an unsafe environment in which the fear of crime, robbery or being attacked remains front of mind. The safety of workers and of industry is required for growth. Many companies have to invest in private security to protect assets and infrastructure, while many workers themselves are victims of extortion through so-called protection fees”, with their lives being threatened.

Fourthly, a clearer focus on global trade that opens up South African markets to the world. As the next chair of the G20, there is no better time. The G20 represents 85% of the global economy, 75% of world trade and 67% of the global population. We best capitalize on this to stimulate trade, growth and jobs.

Finally, establishing Township Special Economic Zones (TSEZs) will create a dual benefit. Jobs are created whereby citizens can work where they live, saving on transport costs and allowing parents to be closer to their families.

Mr President, the nation is watching. If you want to be a builder, it’s time to actually build!

Issued by Mmusi Maimane, BOSA Leader, 23 July 2024