PP's report on Phala Phala nonsensical - EFF

Ramaphosa stands accused of money laundering, kidnapping, bribery and misuse of state resources


Friday, 30 June 2023

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) rejects, with contempt, the Acting Public Protector Kholeka Gcaleka's nonsensical and illogical report regarding the corrupt activities of Cyril Ramaphosa at, and in relation to Phala Phala Farm.

The President of South Africa, stands accused of money laundering, kidnapping, bribery and misuse of state resources to pursue the recovery of millions of US Dollars, which he kept illicitly at his Phala Phala Farm. As a result, he is palpably culpable for violating the Executive Members Ethics Act (EMEA), as he actively participated in work to generate profit as a member of Cabinet.

In the past year, Ramaphosa has been exposed to have undermined the laws that regulate the entrance and managing of foreign currency, and all financial transactions that pertain to the exchange of foreign currency in South Africa. To date, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) has no record of the declaration of the millions of US Dollars which entered South Africa under the pretence of the sale of game.

The Section 89 Independent Panel formed to investigate the crimes related to Phala Phala Farm, led by former Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo, provided coherent and logical arguments to affirm the belief that Cyril Ramaphosa violated the Constitution of South Africa and EMEA. The Independent Panel, whose recommendations and findings are yet to be challenged, found that Cyril Ramaphosa may have committed the following violations:

1. A serious violation of sections 96(2)(a) of the Constitution.

2. A serious violation of section 34(1) of PRECCA.

3. Serious misconduct in that the President violated section 96(2)(b) by acting in a way that is inconsistent with his office.

4. Serious misconduct in that the President violated section 96(2)(b) of the Constitution by exposing himself to a situation involving a conflict between his official responsibilities and his private business.

In consideration of the findings of the Independent Panel, the report by the Kholeka Gcaleka is therefore not worth the paper it is written on, and must be rejected by all sound minded and objective South Africans. Her findings are at odds with the basic prescripts of governance, law, and logic.

This imposter and hired gun who currently occupies the office of the Public Protector makes patently false and irrational arguments, in a misguided attempt to absolve Ramaphosa of his responsibility for financial transactions at a farm and entity he actively runs.

To say that the transaction between Sudanese businessman Hazim Mustafa and the farm manager of Phala Phala Farm, Mr Ndlovu, occurred with the complete ignorance of Ramaphosa is laughable at best. To make matters worse, the game which was supposedly sold to Mustafa has never left Ramaphosa's farm, even though it was allegedly purchased three years ago.

This further affirms the suspicion that the transaction was nothing but a front to conceal money laundering. However, Gcaleka, continuing in her irrationality, states that a conflict of interest does not constitute an act of corruption. An assertion that can only be described as utter nonsense.

The EFF has consistently maintained that the delayed release of the Phala Phala Report by the agent Acting Public Protector was a deliberate attempt to undermine the core mandate of the office, which is to ensure accountability of the Executive.

The Phala Phala Farm scandal is an egregious manifestation of corruption and a direct assault on South Africa's economic sovereignty. The EFF remains resolute in its commitment to holding President Ramaphosa accountable for his crimes. The EFF will convene with our legal team to weigh available options, including but not limited to, a review of the report.

Statement issued by the EFF, 30 June 2023