PRASA disregards any assistance from WCG – DA WCape

Party says national government shows a striking lack of concern for making any meaningful progress

PRASA ignores letters and disregards any assistance from WC Government

22 August 2023

Despite a series of missed deadlines, the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) persists in declining support from the Western Cape Government to urgently address critical rail infrastructure challenges that have rendered train services non-operational. This was revealed in response to a DA parliamentary question directed at the Minister of Infrastructure, seeking to uncover any collaborative efforts between PRASA and the Department.

I will be inviting PRASA to the Standing Committee on Infrastructure, to share with the committee their plans to ensure the timeous repair of all critical rail infrastructure in the Western Cape.

All rail infrastructure projects are currently at a standstill. Consequently, even though the Department of Infrastructure lacks a formal mandate, it has actively pursued a role in rectifying rail infrastructure issues, with the aim of restoring train services to our poorest communities.

Unlike PRASA, the Western Cape Government possesses the skills and technical expertise required to address these challenges. Eager to facilitate the reopening of rail lines, the Western Cape Government is actively seeking collaboration opportunities to collectively tackle this issue.

The Department of Infrastructure has sent multiple letters to PRASA, inquiring about potential assistance in addressing crucial rail infrastructure issues; however, regrettably, these letters have gone unanswered.

This is part of a worrying trend that is happening much too regularly. The ANC National Government simply ignores letters that seek to fix longstanding issues. Just last week the President of South Africa ignored a letter from Cape Town Mayor, Geordin Hill-Lewis, asking him to establish a joint working committee on the devolution of passenger rail services, following the devastating taxi strike, which left thousands of people stranded.

The national government shows a striking lack of concern for making any meaningful progress, blatantly disregarding the well-being of the people of South Africa, particularly those residing in the Western Cape.

MPP Matlhodi Maseko says: “Trains are the most affordable mode of transportation, and it is worrying that the ANC National Government simply ignored the Department’s letters when they seek to assist in fixing such a crucial issue.

The Western Cape Government has for years been advocating for the devolution of passenger rail infrastructure, to take charge in the province, of the maintenance, operations, and enhancement of rail infrastructure in the Western Cape, and the Western Cape Government has a proven ability to deliver quality services, and would continue this in managing rail infrastructure.”

Issued by Matlhodi Maseko, DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Infrastructure, 22 August 2023