PRASA: Minister must continue all investigations into billions wasted – Manny de Freitas

DA says it was revealed that 142 contracts, worth a staggering R24 billion, are being investigated for possible corruption

PRASA: Transport Minister must commit to continue all investigations into billions wasted

6 June 2017

The DA will write to the new Minister of Transport, Joe Maswanganyi, to seek a formal commitment that all current investigations under way into billions spent irregularly by the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA), will continue.

At the end of last year, it was revealed that 142 PRASA contracts, worth a staggering R24 billion, are being investigated for possible corruption.

This is an astounding amount and must be fully investigated so that those responsible can be identified and held to account.

Under the previous Minister of Transport, Dipuo Peters, the PRASA Board was dissolved in what may have been an attempt to put a stop to the ongoing investigations.

The Board certainly does have much to answer for and it is of the utmost importance that the possible suspension of the Board does not impact the continuation of the investigations.

That is why we will seek a formal commitment from Minister Maswanganyi that all investigations will continue despite his intention to suspend the Board.

The DA has it on good authority that some reasons given for the removal of the Board indicate that the situation at the entity has worsened, specifically that:

- Fruitless and wasteful expenditure has doubled from R2.3 million in the first quarter of 2016/17 to R4.6 million in the second quarter;

- Irregular expenditure which stands at R15 billion is increasing; and

- PRASA has only reached 41% of planned targets, according to the third quarter performance report for 2016/17.

Should these investigations be stopped, it would be very suspicious indeed and may indicate that there is much to hide.

The DA will continue to fight for and ensure that implicated government officials, as well as ANC-cronies, are held accountable for any abuse of state resources.

Issued by Manny de Freitas, DA Shadow Minister of Transport, 6 June 2017