DA’s proposal to investigate Tottenham deal unanimously supported – Manny de Freitas

DA MP says SAT Acting CEO presented lacklustre defence of ill-advised and inappropriate deal

DA’s proposal to investigate Tottenham deal unanimously supported

8 February 2023

Note to editors: Please find attached soundbite by Manny de Freitas MP.

Yesterday, the Tourism Portfolio Committee (PC) unanimously agreed to the DA’s proposal that a parliamentary investigation into the Tottenham Hotspurs sponsorship deal be conducted. In addition, the PC resolved that this proposed deal be immediately stopped in its entirety.

This after the South African Tourism (SAT) Acting CEO, Themba Khumalo, presented to the portfolio committee a lacklustre defence of this ill-advised and highly inappropriate deal that only confirmed our suspicions and concerns. Despite the SAT’s spin and Minister Lindiwe Sisulu’s attempts to prevent such an investigation, the 47 page presentation only emphasised the need for a closer look.

The SAT board's inability to answer the Democratic Alliance's questions is unacceptable and a clear indication to redirect focus to the construction and maintenance of dilapidated tourist sites and infrastructure throughout the country. This sector is in dire need of a boost, in particular local SMMEs struggling to survive under the current economic climate.

Tourism projections made by the SAT have no basis nor justification but have been nothing more than “thumb sucks”.

The DA will not relent in curbing the Tottenham Hotspurs sponsorship and ensure that an investigation into this matter is conducted.

Issued by Manny de Freitas, DA Shadow Minister of Tourism, 8 February 2023