DA strongly rejects proposed lavish spending by KZN ANC Executives

Budget is already heading in a downward trajectory, there's no money for proposed nice-to-haves

DA strongly rejects proposed lavish spending by KZN ANC Executives

5 December 2023

The DA has strongly rejected a proposed document which could see more money spent on nice-to-haves for KZN’s executive authority including domestic staff salaries, business class flights, children being ferried to school and even magazine subscriptions.

The items form part of the Executive Authority and Deputy Speaker's Support Guide, brought before KZN’s Legislature during a Special Sitting held today.

The DA has strongly opposed most of the proposals. With the budget already heading in a downward trajectory, there will be nothing left for an incoming DA-led government and its coalition partners in KZN.

It is also untenable that the executive should enjoy privileges that most citizens pay for themselves.

Legislature Speakers earn around R2million annually. How can it be that these privileges are in order, simply because an individual holds executive office? Before we know it, cleaning items such as detergents, mops and vacuum cleaners will also be paid for with public money!

It is equally intolerable that the document suggests that only items which were both financially practical and prudent were kept when this is clearly not the case.

Ironically, some ad hoc committee members argued that Members are all equal. Yet, paradoxically, they advocated for more privilege for the executive authority.

The ANC majority also rejected the DA’s suggestion of a lifestyle audit at the start and end of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker’s term of office – essentially gutting the document of all systems of accountability.

The only positive in terms of the Bill is that it includes nine submissions by the DA, with 14 others rejected by a majority.

The DA has long rejected cadre deployment. It is not in keeping with our core values. While the ANC advocates for a closed crony society for a select group of individuals, the DA will continue to stand firm and strive for an open opportunity society for all.

It is for this reason that the DA also called for all individuals appointed to the Speakers office to meet minimum qualification requirements and to have the requisite experience. The ANC majority rejected this.

The first order of an incoming DA Legislature Speaker will be to change this current document to bring it line with prudent expenditure – rather than the sector norm. This critical office must execute its duties in an economically just, equitable and functional manner.

Issued by Imran Keeka, Chief Whip to the DA in the KZN Legislature, 5 December 2023